Recent content by crg816

  1. crg816

    Archived Newbie on the board and to Target

    Thank you for the welcomes! Well, I made it through my first day on the lanes. They did kind of end up just throwing me into fish tank after observing for 10 minutes but I guess how else are you really going to learn it. Messed up quite a bit first but then things evened out. I have to learn...
  2. crg816

    Archived Do you get annoyed when a coworker puts extra effort into dressing nice?

    If putting a little more oomfph into your dress code makes you feel better (esp when it comes to working retail) and thus makes you likely to do your job better because you're happier. Go for it! If there is nothing to say you can't do this and that, I don't see the problem.
  3. crg816

    Archived Newbie on the board and to Target

    I've only had orientation so far, all that form-filling, video watching and a quick tour. Start training tomorrow (cashier). It's going to be quite a change of pace for me but looking forward to something new and different. And where I won't have to spend half of my work day outside (esp in the...