Recent content by JamesBo

  1. J

    Archived Trying to change EHR password - "change password" button greyed out?

    I just got a temporary password from the EHR number, but now when I try to change the PW the button just doesn't work. Can anyone help? Thanks
  2. J

    Archived What is it like working at Starbucks?

    It's really fun compared to cashiering, I can tell you that. Learning is really scary, at my store they made me work full shifts when I didn't know crap, it was awful. You just gotta be confident, as with anything really. Once you learn it it's totally worth it. Just don't be that guy who...
  3. J

    Archived Sbux tips with new app?

    Does anyone know if starbucks team members will receive tips now with the new app? For those who haven't heard:
  4. J

    Archived Quitting

    You can also just work really short hours? I don't know if that would work for target or you though.
  5. J

    Archived Quick question regarding SFT!

    I really wish you guys explained the acronyms every so often for those who don't know. SFT?
  6. J

    Archived How to have a productive closing?

    I'm no red card expert, but here's my 2 cents. Don't be the GSA that pushes red cards on team member obnoxiously. Most team members know GSA's need cards, and honestly I'd try harder for the cooler ones, not the ones constantly reminding us obnoxiously (over the walkie and all that)
  7. J

    Archived Black Friday Pay?

    Thanks for quick reply! That's was I was thinking. Awesome. Do you know what hours count for the extra dollor? Is it anything before 8am?
  8. J

    Archived Black Friday Pay?

    Hey, I worked 8 hours Black Friday. I searched and didn't find anything about this :/ bad searcher? Anyways, my question is what's the pay for working black friday? Time and a half?
  9. J

    Archived Do I earn more working at Starbucks?

    Hello Target people. I recently made the switch from cashier shifts to Starbucks. Last time I checked I am still labeled as "primary workcenter: cashier" however all of my shifts are now Starbucks. Right now I earn 8.25. Will my pay be upgraded? Thanks :) EDIT: Right now I earn 8.25, not 8.75
  10. J

    Archived New seasonal cashier-want to be permanent

    Suspend the transaction if it comes to a standstill (say you need a GSTL to come over or something.) Be very friendly with customers, ask every guest about the red card - Be friendly to work with, always come in when asked, offer to stay late, you get the idea. Good luck!
  11. J

    Archived Parking Lot Antics...

    Where the heck do you live? Gangs in the parking lot and local stores are robbed on the daily?
  12. J

    Archived GSA...But not?

    How do they ring up alcohol then?
  13. J

    Archived Hey! Help with new Starbucks Team Member?

    Thanks, red, I appreciate the quick reply! Tons of drinks to take in, it's crazy. Something I have noticed is how fast the customers blurt out their order... Like, sorry, but I don't know what a "frappe latte upside-down mocha creme two-shot with no creme" is by heart just yet. When I am new...
  14. J

    Archived Hey! Help with new Starbucks Team Member?

    Hello my fellow friends. I recently started out working at Starbucks at my store. I have been cashiering already for a few months. I went through my first training today, and I go back tomorrow. My trainer was nice, however we were very busy so I mostly just shadowed her instead of making...