Recent content by marginwalker

  1. M

    Archived So i got my yearly review the other day

    I was expecting to get an EX but received an E. What I don't get is that a majority of my marks were E's but the way my TL was explaining how well I did in each area of the review sounded extremely positive, like I should be getting EX's??? The only IE's I got were in writing GTC's and huddle...
  2. M

    Archived Applied for TPS

    Wow, so never mind that, I am seriously pissed right now...I posted after being told by HR that I was the STL's and ETL-AP's recommendation for the job, and I was again interviewed by another store's ETL-AP because the District APL guy wanted another opinion for some reason. I found out today...
  3. M

    Archived Applied for TPS

    Thanks guys! Out of the 4 people they interviewed 2 were outsiders. The other guy was a TM from my store. What kind of sucks is that we learned just last week that both my ETL-AP and STL put their 2 weeks in so both positions are going to be in flux for a little while. It's a pretty big deal...
  4. M

    Archived Applied for TPS

    I got the job!
  5. M

    Archived Applied for TPS

    I'm actually going to college for a degree in Geology so I'll probably be working for Target for just another 2-3 years
  6. M

    Archived Applied for TPS

    Update... So my STL and AP-ETL finally set up the for tomorrow! Wasn't expecting to have it on a day that I work so I bought a nice button-up shirt, tie, and pants just for the occasion...I still kinda want to bring it to change into from the regular red and khaki when it's time for the...
  7. M

    Archived Long-time lurker

  8. M

    Archived Applied for TPS

    Thanks guys! I'd say I have a great relationship with all of my TL's, ETL's, and STL. I take a very upbeat and proactive approach to my job and I think I've shown them numerous times that I'm someone they can rely on and trust. Probably shouldn't sweat it but I've put so much of myself into...
  9. M

    Archived Applied for TPS

    I've been at my store for almost 4 years now, and recently a TPS position opened up. I applied because I'm going to have to start looking for my own place soon and the 14-25 variable hours per week on the sales floor just aren't going to cut it. What should I expect to get asked in the interview...
  10. M

    Archived Long-time lurker

    Hey everyone, been a member for a while but decided to post for the first time! I've worked at Target for about 3.5 years, starting out as a Backroom TM but got moved over to Sales Floor last year due to compatibility issues with my school schedule and the truck schedule. I really enjoy reading...