Recent content by qailuaqueen

  1. Q

    What does QMOS and PFRESH mean/stand for?

    Please tell me. I'm on a run of trying to actually find out what all the words I've head 10000 times mean...
  2. Q

    Fulfillment ruins everything

    Replying to a dead thread, but in case anyone is curious about this: it is technically possible to "cheat" by "picking", "prepping" and "stowing" an item (that doesn't exist), then going into the Pickup app and cancelling the item immediately. But this takes way too much time, and is way too...
  3. Q

    What is the difference between AP and TSS?

    Is one the person in yellow at the door, and the other the one who walks around the store all day creeping on people from behind an endcap? Who answers when I call for "hardlines four"?
  4. Q

    Surviving Seasonal Culling?

    Thank you. I can definitely do that… in fact I can probably be “that person” who can always be there in 15 minutes even if they just need me for a couple hours. It it appropriate to offer to people they can just text/call me in a pinch, or is it all through hr
  5. Q

    Surviving Seasonal Culling?

    Hi y’all. I was just hired for Seasonal Fulfillment, although I applied in September before there was any seasonal hiring. Didn’t hear anything for 3 weeks, so I wrote a nice follow-up email and the same day I got two calls from different HR people wanting me for different departments (work...