Recent content by Underpresssure

  1. U

    Archived About those seasonal TMs

    I think I passed the 26th deadline. I was so scared of getting let go today because I thought my 11am-7:30pm shift was a dummy shift. The ETL called me into the office and gave me this weeks schedule and next week schedule in a piece of paper. Also I had the “No schedule details available in...
  2. U

    Archived Hours where art thou?

    What’s a dummy shift for backroom? I have a mid day from 11am-7:30pm next week..
  3. U

    Archived What are you eating. . .

    We had cheesesteak for lunch today. It was awesome.
  4. U

    Archived What do you do?

    Video games.
  5. U

    Archived Holiday Pay and shift differential

    @HRZone posted this the other day. Holiday pay - I’m assuming we get extra pay because this weekend is pretty busy with shopping because it’s so close to Christmas and whatnot.
  6. U

    Archived Question about scheduling and pay

    Is this normal? I checked my schedule last week for 17-23 and I didn’t have a certain day scheduled. Today I check just to make sure I don’t have any work days until this weekend and I happen to click on next weekend schedule and the day I was off work now has me scheduled. I am not complaining...
  7. U

    Archived I’m on day 76 of my 90 day probation period, if they were going to let me go, wouldn’t they have

    I didn’t get that piece of paper. I just had a “Conditional Job Offer Form - Stores” with the position offered and such. Does that make me not a seasonal?
  8. U

    Archived BAckroom /sweeps team members

    The amount of times I’ve heard “Fuck toys” this past couple weeks is insane lol. But damn backstocking toys is so damn annoying. It’s like a never ending stock.
  9. U

    Archived Rest Breaks

    How long are lunch breaks? I was reading the manual the other day and it said 30 minutes but today my TL said said it was 45
  10. U

    Archived Closing shift

    Lol same bro. My training was all morning shift ending at 10am and outta no where next week I have a 3-11.
  11. U

    Archived Direct Deposit Help

    Yeah it says “You must select “Balance” as one of your direct deposit setup options in the Deposit type field.” I clicked that and it changed the Deposit Order to something different and the Amount or Percent box is blank.
  12. U

    Archived Direct Deposit Help

    On the direct deposit set up page what is a “Deposit Order”? I put 1 but I am not entirely sure what that is.
  13. U

    Archived Lost Box Cutter

    What’s more stressful for y’all?? Misplacing a box cutter or the MyDevice? Working backroom I misplaced twice a bunch of times already lol. I need to get in the habit of putting the box cutter in my pocket or something.
  14. U

    Archived Seasonal..

    Seasonal here too doing Backroom at the moment. How do I go about getting Cross Trained? Do I just go to HR and request to get Cross Trained? I’d be interested in doing Flow or something like that.
  15. U

    Starbucks Team Leaders this including Target employees or just Starbucks?????