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  1. U

    Archived About those seasonal TMs

    I think I passed the 26th deadline. I was so scared of getting let go today because I thought my 11am-7:30pm shift was a dummy shift. The ETL called me into the office and gave me this weeks schedule and next week schedule in a piece of paper. Also I had the “No schedule details available in...
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    Archived Hours where art thou?

    What’s a dummy shift for backroom? I have a mid day from 11am-7:30pm next week..
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    Archived What are you eating. . .

    We had cheesesteak for lunch today. It was awesome.
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    Archived What do you do?

    Video games.
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    Archived Holiday Pay and shift differential

    @HRZone posted this the other day. Holiday pay - I’m assuming we get extra pay because this weekend is pretty busy with shopping because it’s so close to Christmas and whatnot.
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    Archived Question about scheduling and pay

    Is this normal? I checked my schedule last week for 17-23 and I didn’t have a certain day scheduled. Today I check just to make sure I don’t have any work days until this weekend and I happen to click on next weekend schedule and the day I was off work now has me scheduled. I am not complaining...
  7. U

    Archived I’m on day 76 of my 90 day probation period, if they were going to let me go, wouldn’t they have

    I didn’t get that piece of paper. I just had a “Conditional Job Offer Form - Stores” with the position offered and such. Does that make me not a seasonal?
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    Archived BAckroom /sweeps team members

    The amount of times I’ve heard “Fuck toys” this past couple weeks is insane lol. But damn backstocking toys is so damn annoying. It’s like a never ending stock.
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    Archived Rest Breaks

    How long are lunch breaks? I was reading the manual the other day and it said 30 minutes but today my TL said said it was 45
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    Archived Closing shift

    Lol same bro. My training was all morning shift ending at 10am and outta no where next week I have a 3-11.
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    Archived Direct Deposit Help

    Yeah it says “You must select “Balance” as one of your direct deposit setup options in the Deposit type field.” I clicked that and it changed the Deposit Order to something different and the Amount or Percent box is blank.
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    Archived Direct Deposit Help

    On the direct deposit set up page what is a “Deposit Order”? I put 1 but I am not entirely sure what that is.
  13. U

    Archived Lost Box Cutter

    What’s more stressful for y’all?? Misplacing a box cutter or the MyDevice? Working backroom I misplaced twice a bunch of times already lol. I need to get in the habit of putting the box cutter in my pocket or something.
  14. U

    Archived Seasonal..

    Seasonal here too doing Backroom at the moment. How do I go about getting Cross Trained? Do I just go to HR and request to get Cross Trained? I’d be interested in doing Flow or something like that.
  15. U

    Starbucks Team Leaders this including Target employees or just Starbucks?????
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    Starbucks Team Leaders

    Might be a dumb question but can I use my Target TM discount on any Starbucks that has a Target or only my store?
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    Archived New hire question

    Sorry. I meant shoutout. Like thanks because I read so much on here that I knew what was going to happen during orientation.
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    Archived New hire question

    Just had orientation today and I am coming back tomorrow for computer training. I just wanna s/o this place on getting me well prepared for orientation and what to expect. With that being said what is computer training? The person who held my orientation said there was going to be some kind of...
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    Archived New hire question

    Nope I don’t. That’s why I’m wondering what’s taking so long.
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    Archived New hire question

    Update on this. I called them this past Saturday and earlier today regarding orientation and they told me that my Background Check on Targets end still hasn’t cleared. Meanwhile I got a BGC mail sent to my house on Friday saying I was eligible. They said that they’ll have to talk to their third...