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  1. SunnyShine

    Was waiting for this to happen cope with this. I feel bullied. I deal with sexual harassment on a daily basis. Most women in DC's experience the same phenomenon. Many are called whores by the same men we turn down. To the men who do this to women: Knock it the f*ck off. To the women who feel bullied and harassed: I...
  2. SunnyShine

    New to Target and what to expect.

    The DC can be brutal. Plenty of OT. Say goodbye to your free time for a while. Hot in the summer, freezing in the winter. But the money and benefits are great. Work hard, show up, be safe, and you'll do just fine. Welcome aboard :)
  3. SunnyShine

    New to Target and what to expect.

    Big facts. Lol. Only been in OB 9 months and gave up trying to learn new hire names until after they shed the orange vest.
  4. SunnyShine

    8th Tier

    You're pretty high up there. Forgot my tape measure the last time I got an aisle with an 8th tier 😉 But as Frank said, you'll get used to it. As long as you keep an eye out for unsafe pallet placement and report them, always wear your safety harness, and are aware of your foot placement, you'll...
  5. SunnyShine

    Masks and overheating

    The masks are a no-go for me. Worked an OT shift with an underarmor mask I bought today and the heavy freight had me pulling it below my nose. Will probably still use it running errands (it's very cute, how could I not? 😉). I think I'll invest in a face shield for work though. Hoping that helps...
  6. SunnyShine

    Masks and overheating

    Hi all, Yesterday I was in depal and was throwing pallet after pallet of detergent and water. Yikes. My partner pulled his mask down under his chin. I did the same, and eventually felt so hot I took mine off. We were working very hard and the masks were becoming problematic, but we were...
  7. SunnyShine

    Distribution Center Orientation

    As a fellow outbounder who's trained on multiple PIT, you won't get drug tested unless you cause a certain amount of damage. Best way to avoid this is just don't do drugs 😏 Target policy. But, I will say they'd lose most of their employees if they drug tested the way some other companies do...
  8. SunnyShine

    Distribution Center Orientation

    Indeed. As long as they have able bodies, they don't care who comes in.
  9. SunnyShine

    Distribution Center Orientation

    I've been noticing the same thing. Maybe not merely 4 people, but there are multiple people on weekend shift that I have never seen work a single day of OT on my key. I know one who gives his shift to a girl who wants the hours. The other ones though? No clue.. Everyone just seems to call out...
  10. SunnyShine


    They threw me in depal for the first time tonight. Really thankful for my decision to chug an energy drink at first break 😂 OB has my heart tbh, bunch of hardworking, sweaty hooligans.
  11. SunnyShine


    Hi, all! I'm Outbound and consistently exceed productivity. Learned 2 of the PIT so far and 3 different roles in OB. I like to think that although I'm replaceable, I do add value to my team. That being said, I was voluntold to cross-train in Warehouse. Learned CF, and just learned another new...
  12. SunnyShine

    Distribution Center Orientation

    At my DC, 4 weeks in and OT is mandatory. Currently, 100% means nothing. Orange vests are fair game.
  13. SunnyShine

    Dear D.c

    Dear D.C., You're doing a great job despite the 60 hour work weeks and high productivity expectations. Sleep well knowing you've thrown plenty of Kleenex for those crying at the stores. xo
  14. SunnyShine

    Update: Outbound (Women, please read)

    Fair enough. Lots of women don't have what it takes for physical labor, mentally and physically. I also know plenty of "men" who couldn't handle this job.. However, pushing wheelbarrows full of mulch up and downhill at my last job, alongside weight training, has really given me the upper-hand 😉...
  15. SunnyShine

    How safe is my job?

    I was hired on a few months ago. Enrolled in benefits, vest-free. However I've noticed quite a few people getting fired since my start date, including seasoned vets. I signed a lease and move-in is mid-January. I'm one hell of a worker, but I'm scared I'll be one of the ones weeded out. Perhaps...
  16. SunnyShine

    Update: Outbound (Women, please read)

    It feels sooo good to show the boys how it's done, doesn't it??? 😘 I haven't felt this confident in a very long time!
  17. SunnyShine

    Update: Outbound (Women, please read)

    I'm thriving. As a single woman in a physical labor position who also goes to school full time, I have never felt more feminine in my life. I'm regaining muscle, I'm gaining knowledge on the side, and I feel like a force not to be reckoned with. After many heartfelt tears hidden in the trailers...
  18. SunnyShine


    UPDATE: For any new outbound hires, please listen up. It's hot. It's stressful. It's fast paced. Expect to get bruised up quite a bit at first. I have quite the collection on my legs. I struggle with depression, and yesterday I had thoughts of suicide. Broke down. Didn't feel like I could make...
  19. SunnyShine


    My trainer taught us to never build a wall higher than our outstretched arms while we're on the top step of the stool. Seems like a good place to start, what do you think Luck?
  20. SunnyShine


    I'm new and just dipping my toes in, but I believe this is a great position for people who are OCD and enjoy puzzles. Wish we could listen to some tunes, though 😞 Guess I'll just have to scare off all the old-heads with my awful renditions of Whitney Houston. Watch out, B2.