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  1. O

    Archived Dumb questions from Guests......really..... you have to ask?

    One of my favs... "Do you sell Wal-Mart gift Cards?"
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    To that one guest

    Well, it's not so much a right as a reason and/or explanation, and it may even deserve its own thread in certain areas: Guess Who's Shopping Under The Influence Today....? ( Insert ironically peppy music and perhaps a late-nite celebrity type such as Letterman, and you're good to go... )
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To the team members and leaders who keep calling by the names of various team members who appear to share my race and/or ethnicity: SERIOUSLY. REALLY? Look, some of you are fairly new, some of you don't see me very often at all, and some of you are honestly just horrible at remembering or...
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    Archived Gross Stories

    My first month on the job a little boy pulled down his pants and unceremoniously pooped in the accessories section. Also I have had the chance to bear witness to such atrocities of hygiene and sanitation as guests wiping their noses on dresses on the clearance racks, and testing out the...
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    Archived Those special guests

    ha! Reminds of a customer from years ago at the video store-borderline completely blind, a real talkaholic, and as sour and bitter as a bag of lemons rolled in salt... One day when I'd finally just had it with him ( and life in general ), i got really quite testy with him. He went on to ask me...
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    To that one guest

    Be careful...remember how dicey things can get from when Constanza starting blurring the lines among his various circles... Mind you, I do occasionally break the fourth wall ( or is it the third wall? Or have I just been listening to too much Pink Floyd lately?... ) myself, but one has to...
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    Archived Guests Say the Darndest Things...

    ....normally this is where I'd say something salacious about REALLY HITTING THE BULLSEYE... ...but the prior post basically says it all, and it's awesome... ( and I don't remember seeing anything said normally on this site, so why mess with the formula??? )
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    After all, these are likely the same great minds who think it's a great idea to churn out endless coupons for twenty percent off of walkie-talkies and thirty dollars off of a printer when a person buys a weeks' worth of veggie burgers and natural-ingredient-based shampoo and conditioner... (...
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    To that one guest

    For the family who wandered obliviously around our BTS area for over FIFTEEN MINUTES TODAY while your youngest cried, screamed, screeched, squealed, wailed, bellowed, hollered, yelled, and yowled from his seat in your cart: Congratulations. You gave me the worst headache I've had in years...
  10. O

    To that one guest

    Hahaha...I'm with you on this one Mr. Know... When these types of things happen to me, I think, " Good on me, then, and good on the guest-we both got what we wanted, which is to get the %^(< away from each other ASAP! May both our good fortunes last a lifetime!!! "
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Indeed, if I am not mistaken ( that might be a big "if" ), it is a law in many states, if not a federal law, much like the law stating that you cannot be scheduled to work less than a four hour shift.... That said, "clopens" are very frequent at my store, if not virtually the norm, especially...
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    To that one guest

    To the guest who blatantly lost sight of her gaggle of kids in the Boys' clothing area and ONLY went to tend to them when she heard a loud *THUMP* followed by her male offspring squalling and hollering at at least decibel thirteen, and then passed me by GLARING AT ME as if I were supposed to be...
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    Archived Guests Say the Darndest Things...

    AHAHAHA... Each their own, right? :)
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Oh dear. Please at least tell me it's the noobies that engage in that sort of behavior. Not that it's excusable that way or anything, but at least ( maybe kinda sorta almost not really ) more understandable if that is the case...?
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    Archived Guests Say the Darndest Things...

    ...Guest approaches me JUST AS I GET ON THE WALKIE, after hovering around for ten minutes ( with her four kids )... "Do you have rain ponchos?" * I pause to turn down walkie, clearly disturbing the guest, unfortunately * " You know, PONCHOS you WEAR in the RAIN..????!!!" You don't say...
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Lol the TL abovementioned likely thinks he or she is getting in some valuable networking time... Or else is just of the variety who seeks out leadership positions so they can avoid actual work.
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one woman on the front end... Oh My Gawd! Are you ALWAYS LIKE THIS???? No wonder you & husband take separate vacations!!! ( HE the reason you're the way you are? Either way, I can see why you would need to get away from each other...and why we should ALL stay AWAY from YOU... )
  18. O

    To that one guest

    To the teenaged female guests who insist on perusing the clearance racks and letting several random items fall to the floor, only to look at me, laugh, and walk away: yeah, sure, keep doing that. Keep doing that, and I hope you never have to a dirty job in your life, at least not at any place...
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    Archived I hate it when...

    Since this thread had been revived.... List of hates: Women who disappear into the fitting room, or around the checklane, or to the restroom, or wherever, and leave their purse, wallet, and keys ( and, as before mentioned, the kids... ). Guess I've got "an honest face" ( you better hope I do...
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    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Two different sizes of nuts happens more often than you'd think as well, though it's still considered a taboo subject...