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  1. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM, I asked you many times to leave me the fuck alone and you never did. You have come after me in public trying to get my attention when I wanted none of your crap. So when I tell you in busy, on my lunch, and I don't wanna talk, I have every right to enforce the fact that I don't want...
  2. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOETLGE, I miss you. You used to work for our store then transferred so I barely got to see you for the longest time. Running into you today was the highlight of my day, and we got to chat about the olden days. You're soon moving on to a different job, but at least you promised to come visit...
  3. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM, Hey, creepy stalker guy I can't stand? Thanks for being an idiot and practically handing me that pair of guests who wanted to get a red card. You could have signed them up, but you didn't. So I did. That made my day. I died laughing on my car ride home.
  4. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOSrTL, I'm so sorry that I scarred you that way... But when you asked what the people of Walmart page was and then asked to see, you took that risk on what you were gonna see. That said, watching your face as you scrolled through Google was the highlight of my day. I'm just sorry I ended...
  5. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    That is not even funny. Not. Funny. It's not mean, but I am so terrified that this image just scares me.
  6. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    TTOG, I was out at dinner after work tonight with one of my co-workers, still in my red and khaki, and you recognized me. You told me how you were in my line yesterday and that you were so impressed with how I handled the (rather dim) lady in front of you that you actually bragged about me to...
  7. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    TTOG, I am so sorry I had a slight freak out when you came to my check lane. But I am TERRIFIED of spiders. Even/Especially giant ones. You had no idea about my phobia and was a really good sport about it the whole time. Even though I couldn't look up or I'd start shaking like a leaf...
  8. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    I second this.
  9. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    A case has been submitted to AP and HR because the girls have been complaining about him. They're watching him and gathering a case. In the meantime, I'm reporting everything I see to our TPS. And most of our girls have boyfriends anyway.
  10. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM, You are a fucking creep. First of all, your stalkerish behavior towards some of the girls here is disgusting. Second, you bitch and moan so much that I'm surprised you're not really a girl to start with. But the fact that you have been reported as asking which girls are "DTF" in our...
  11. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    TTOG, Look, you are a sweet older lady and were very nice to me... But there is a significant age difference between the two of us. Thus, we do not use the same products. So when you came up to the Service Desk asking me about panty liners, I was being serious when I said I had no experience...
  12. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOETL, I freaking love the fact that you have my back when I try to keep people from doing fraudulant returns. Closing with you is always awesome, you are always nice and are about as close to being my friend as our positions will professionally allow. Keep being awesome, cause you are...
  13. LilMissVO

    Archived Angry "Extreme" couponers

    Ive taken to giving our local couponers nicknames because I dont know their real ones. There's one that I call "Ring Leader" because she always comes to our store to teach classes on how to coupon to other ladies, usually bringing two other people with her. She's one who kept our store open...
  14. LilMissVO

    Archived Dumb questions from Guests......really..... you have to ask?

    "Where is your gift registry?" Ten feet to your left, if you just looked.
  15. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Mmm, Mi piscciono le persone che possono parlare italiano. But seriously, knowing how to curse people out in other languages is useful. Ive told that guy to fuck himself in Italian and hes too stupid to know what it means.
  16. LilMissVO

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    ...come through my line and I wave you to the next one over, I'm trying to prevent contact you force. If you think that's "refusing you service," then fine. You have not respected my wish for you to keep the hell away from me, so I'll remind you to do so when I must. Vaffanculo, idiota. *mic...
  17. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    "Kvetching?" "It's a bird expression..." Couldn't resist. See, there are guests who spend like $200+ each trip and they are the sweetest people. But I've had an influx about these complainers and it's gotten under my skin.
  18. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    To The Next Guest who uses "With all the money I spend here at Target..." as an excuse to be rude, I apologize in advance for reaching across the service desk and snapping your neck.
  19. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    TTOG, Okay. You could have done your no-receipt return on your item just fine, get your gift card, and go buy something for yourself with it, but noooooooo. You had to be difficult. Yeah, the return went just like normal, but your item went to missed salvage. That's why I couldn't sell it back...
  20. LilMissVO

    To that one guest

    TTOG who let their child SCREAM right behind me... ... I'll send you the bill from my ear doctor later. People think I'm joking when I say my job is making me deaf. Ha.