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  1. judgemental

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: honestly thank you for being so nice all the time. it's hard not being happy around you because you're so full of joy. i love that no matter what kind of day i have i can always go to you to make me feel better. honestly thank you. you're one of the people who im going to miss the most...
  2. judgemental

    To that one guest

    TTOG; control your demons please this isn't a playground.
  3. judgemental

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    when guest come into the store
  4. judgemental

    Archived When were YOU rude?

    never im perfect. no but seriously, im probably the most crankiest in the mornings when i have to unlock all the carts and people start complaining to me how there are no small carts. it's like please, i just clocked in. i've used the aggressive politeness on multiple occasions and that's...
  5. judgemental

    To that one guest

    To those guest who have that mentality of "someone was hired to clean this so I'm just going to leave my mess" fuck you you shit stained underwear. I am not, I repeat NOT, hired to serve you, to clean up after you, to your fucking maid. Be courteous enough to not leave your garbage in carts or...
  6. judgemental

    To that one guest

    TTOG; it was literally a couple of minutes until i clocked in but you demanded we unlock the metal carts for you and when someone offered to go unlock them you complained even more?! it's too early for you to get pissed off and not only that you ended up using coupons a bunch with stuff that...
  7. judgemental

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOM; do your fucking job. do. your. fucking. job. i am here from opening until mid day getting carts, doing bathrooms and doing trash, but as soon as you get here, almost 30 minutes late sometimes because you'd rather chill in the break room, you start bossing me around telling me to go do the...
  8. judgemental

    To that one guest

    To those guests who think the carts are trash bins, fuck off I have to clean your trash now. Also, there's a reason why we have areas to put your carts in after you're done loading your items into your car. Leaving it in the empty spot next you you causes confusion and then every asshole...
  9. judgemental

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    i hit compliance once because the way they scheduled us cart attendants was weird. like they would schedule the next person on my fifth. they told me to go a couple of minutes before just so that i don't hit it, but it got so busy that they had be pushing carts up until my 5th which made me go...
  10. judgemental

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To the new closing cart attendant, hey, I know you're new and all but please for the love of god do the CRC check and salvage and toss at night because now I have to do it in the morning and deal with having to rush putting everything to the back AND deal with carts. also please fucking clean up...
  11. judgemental

    To that one guest

    TTOG who wanted to speak to the manager after we denied his no receipt return because of our policy change. and when our LOD came over and spoke to him, he demanded someone above her....... and then demanded that he speak to a MAN LOD instead of a WOMEN LOD. You can go fuck yourself honestly.
  12. judgemental

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    and like i said, we're all properly trained to clean up spills. why do you need to call me, someone who's having to pull carts in because it's rush hour, when you can easily clean it. it's more of the fact that they call me for some dumb reasons. i got called to bring a cart over to someone when...
  13. judgemental

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    ...there’s a couple of carts on aisle ____” I’m sorry I didn’t know I was the only person who can push carts? hey cart attendant this, hey cart attendant that….. please I’m only one f**king person. if you can do it you should do it. don’t fucking have me do a job that could easily be done by you?
  14. judgemental

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To my team (management, team members, etc) I want to enjoy my days off. I understand that you need people, but I want to enjoy my days off. I haven't had a real day off for two weeks working two jobs and all. I'm sorry but maybe you should be more hard on your team and the people that call out...
  15. judgemental

    To that one guest

    nah she wanted us to do it, which is whatever, but she wanted it put a certain way where it wasn't going to fall off but it didn't matter because either way it was still going to fall off. it was better in a cart. she was being impatient and rude and we were all just over it.
  16. judgemental

    To that one guest

    TTOG who called me and two of my team members incompetent because.... actually no one knows why you started yelling at us. the first guest service team member tried helping you and you told her that she didn't know her job so she denied you and then another team member helped you and i was...
  17. judgemental

    To that one guest

    TTOG Hey thanks for almost running me over with your car while i was out getting carts. you were literally an inch away from almost taking me down. thanks so much.
  18. judgemental

    Archived cashier problems

    we have guests at my store that put their carts close to the counter and go about texting thinking that we're gonna put their bags in their cart but i just stand there. if it fills up it fills up. i just move shit around until they start putting stuff in their cart by themselves.
  19. judgemental

    Archived What's their scam?

    stolen credit cards, fraud, everything you can think of is what's happening. a lot of the time AP knows what's going on and they tell the cashiers to either deny their card or make some excuse as to why you can't accept it because, like i said, they're committing fraud. you should always check...
  20. judgemental

    To that one guest

    TTOG thanks for yelling at me for not having things stocked. I'm a cashier. I don't stock the sales floor. I don't know what's in stock. I DON'T KNOW WHEN OR WHY THINGS ARE NOT IN STOCK. Stop putting the blame on me and telling me you wasted your time here because we didn't have what you wanted...