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  1. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one lazy ETL: thanks for having me push five pulls you could've done last night. I'm sure my own team in the backroom will be *so* thrilled when they see that coolers and freezer weren't back stocked for FDC this morning! Today is my last closing shift ever with you, thank god! My only...
  2. StackerMistress

    Archived Gross Stories

    It made it out onto the floor? Omg I hope a guest didn't see it! ETL-Log found it at the same time I did, and I thought she was going to puke, so I was like, if you unlock the compactor, I'll throw it out. Never have I power walked so fast in my life....
  3. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Direct quote from one of the dudes I used (past tense, thank god) to work with: "We got so many hot underage girls here that I think I'm gonna get the cops called on me one of these days." Thankfully, none of those underage girls were in earshot, but you can be sure HR didn't take too kindly to...
  4. StackerMistress

    Archived Gross Stories

    Smelled something gnarly in the back room. Found a whole case of wet dog food (the kinds in the plastic trays) rotting, covered in maggots. Gotta be the nastiest thing I've seen here.
  5. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one LOD who decided I needed to help the salesfloor with their zone after the backroom was spotless... Thank you sooooo much! I don't mind helping, because you KNOW salesfloor always comes back to help the backroom when THEY'RE caught up.
  6. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    ...needs some patio furniture down, but you refuse to use the stacker because you were only trained on it once and never bothered to use it since because ooooh, it's *scary*... are you seriously going to make the guest wait half an hour for me to be done with lunch so I can get it down????? :eek:
  7. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one LOD... I hope you enjoyed your lunch while 12 batches from the 5 o'clock pulls ran over last night. When my ETL yells at me about it, I'll be sure to tell her that you told me not to bother calling for help since you "need to be out on the sales floor and not back here."
  8. StackerMistress

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    Guests who are dissatisfied with the box their product comes in and demand I go get a duplicate with a nicer box. Bonus points if it's in an incredibly hard to reach location. Bonus bonus points if that box is "too dusty!"
  9. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To whoever it is in the district that keeps hiring young, attractive, empty-headed fools to be new ETLs.... don't be surprised when they end up sleeping around with TLs and TMs.....
  10. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one HRTM: Thanks for lying to my face, then continuing to double-down on your BS story when I called you on it.
  11. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Wow, really? Our AP-TL is always backing up in electronics, and he's definitely on the register. Interesting.
  12. StackerMistress

    To that one guest entire toy aisle--" Greasy: "Yes you do. Every time I have to tell you people this. Go back there and find them and bring them out here." Me: ".......... OKAY SURE!" *goes to the backroom* *stands around for a few minutes* *calls for electronics to tell the "gentleman" that we don't have...
  13. StackerMistress

    To that one guest

    Adult collectors of children's toys can be some of the most obnoxious, creepy people ever. But thanks for telling me how to do my job. You clearly know the backroom better than I do.
  14. StackerMistress

    To that one guest

    To all those guests who walk right in the middle of the aisles, hunkered down on top of their carts like their spines can't support the weight of their body, walking as slowly as humanly possible, ignoring my polite requests to get around them... I seriously hate you. How one person manages to...
  15. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Whenever I'm running up something for flexible fulfillment and there's a huge line at Guest service, I'm so nervous some guest is gonna start yelling at me... And then I can say "I'm not even trained on the registers!" I definitely get the stink eye, but no one has yelled at me.... Yet.
  16. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Newbie salesfloor TMs trying to get newbie BR TMs to get items... omg what a clusterfuck. And to that one seasonal salesfloor TM who's been here like.... a month.... I hear you enjoy starting drama. You have apparently told everyone with ears that I "gave you a nasty look." Honey, I'm...
  17. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Rant ahead. TTO-EVERYBODY: Complete failure at every level. I'm getting so tired of cleaning up after everyone. Didn't finish pushing the truck? Dayside will take care of it. Didn't schedule enough people to push CAFs (on a weekend in December?!)? Dayside will take care of it. Oh, no...
  18. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOTM: Everything I do is timed. You know this. Get the hell out of my way when I'm trying to get through 12 pm CAFs. PS: There are 15 vehicles of pulls on the line that you could be working on instead of yapping at me and blocking my way.
  19. StackerMistress

    Archived Guest stereotypes

    See, the opposite happens to me. I feel like I NEED to have children to balance out the bad parents out there, LOL.
  20. StackerMistress

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    OMG, this. We juuuuust started getting weekend double-coverage in the backroom this weekend, and I got scheduled with a new TM who's been here about a month and a half (so, long enough to know better). Total lazy-ass. Disappeared at 5 pm, I figured since he was done at 6, maybe he was taking...