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  1. Arkhifoxx

    Archived Hired on for one position, yet working another...

    Well, when I went in today, I plead my case to my TL, and was put on Cart attendant duty. As I said, our store has one other cart attendant. I'll talk to HR when there in, but hopefully I can get it straightened out. oddly, my TL asked if I was trained for guest services, which they needed. No...
  2. Arkhifoxx

    Archived Hired on for one position, yet working another...

    The thing is, I've seen them pull people who aren't cart attendants to do the duties of one, and when I talked to my trainer, he told me he was the ONLY cart attendant before me and one other new hire. I know they may need cashiers, but why take others and train them to do the job I was hired...
  3. Arkhifoxx

    Archived Hired on for one position, yet working another...

    So here's my dilemma. The ENTIRE reason I applied to Target was because I saw a posting for Food Ave, and applied. This is what I was contacted about, and while interviewing it was brought up I'd also need to work cart attendant. I had no problem, as I enjoyed running around, being active and on...
  4. Arkhifoxx

    To that one guest

    TToG (note: 80% of Guests): STOP SLIDING YOUR DAMN CARD 40% THROUGH THE TRANSACTION!! Also, you have no right to get mad if I can't give you your cartwheel discount if you've waited until the very end to inform you plan on using it and you've already started paying. This isn't going to go any...
  5. Arkhifoxx

    To that one guest

    TToG: Thank you for supporting our store due to the idiocracy that is the Target Boycott. TTotherG: Target is a multi-billion dollar corporation. You choosing to buy your socks and charleston chews from Walmart isn't going to bankrupt the company, nor will it cause me to become unemployed.
  6. Arkhifoxx

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    In some redeeming news, I had a pair of older ladies come in and buy stuff. At the register they told me the only reason they came to Target was because others wanted to boycott, so to show support they bought things. Also had an older gentleman apologize for calling me sir, then correcting...
  7. Arkhifoxx

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    The problem with this is most don't have matching gender markers. It's one of the most difficult processes transgender individuals have to deal with as there is no clear or uniform protocol for changing this. Some places only allow the marker to be changed if the individual has undergone SRS...
  8. Arkhifoxx

    Transgender and Bathrooms

    To further define each term, Sex is determined based upon one's primary sexual characteristics (penis, vagina, ovaries, testes). Gender is a socially constructed idea which is based upon set ideas and roles prescribed to each gender in a society. While sex is a bit more cut and dry, it's not...
  9. Arkhifoxx

    Archived Greetings! Happy to be a TM @ Target

    Hello there, Name's Arkhi, a new hire at the local target. I've never been so excited to work for a company, especially one with rather inclusive policies as Target. As a transgender college student, I'm really happy to be part of the team. Looking forward to posting here!