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  1. E

    Archived Eliminating more positions?

    Wait, Target Mobile take over? Target Mobile isn't even supposed to have keys to department, how are they supposed to take over? Also, if Target likes a high AAR, then they won't be eliminating any electronic positions.
  2. E

    Archived Watermelon Oreos

    They taste like bubble gum most definitely. No on believes me when I say that. I don't like them, I bought some for my boyfriend though.
  3. E

    Archived Go Out With A BANG!

    That's what I'm going to do. I do my best at my job--which is why I am/was a few weeks away from TL interviews--but my last day next Thursday, I think I'm going to do this. I'll act like the rest of my so called team.
  4. E

    Archived Wave zoning?

    At my store, wave zoning is speeding through the aisles, pulling things forward, and making it look presentable even if it's not in the right place. We usually do this on Saturday before ad take down because it might not get the chance to be deep zoned. Deep zoning at my store is when you zone...
  5. E

    Archived availability=suggestion?

    I had my availability set so I couldn't work before 5 pm Monday through Wednesday. I kept getting scheduled when I had class, so I printed off my class schedule for the semester and the schedule for the next two weeks, put them the mailboxes of the ETL-HR and my TL and left a snarky note. I...
  6. E

    Archived Question about accepting gifts

    You're totally right. But, sometimes guests will put in your pocket, because I've seen it happen, and it's happened to me. I was helping this little old couple with a blu-ray player, because they just got a new 55" smart tv and they wanted the full HD experience. So I showed them all of the...
  7. E

    Archived Pda

    I was nice and invested in the DS styluses for the team to use on the LPDAs. We had 8 packs on clearance for 88 cents and so I bought them all. Because I'm nice. And because I was sick of pen marks on them. But, they work well.
  8. E

    Archived Calling the integrity hotline.....

    I called the Hotline just over a year ago about one of my (now former) coworkers. He absolutely refused to stop being just plain mean to me. And, when I say mean, I mean the attacking kind of mean, the kind of mean that borders harassment. I told HR and my STL and Hardlines ETL at the time, but...
  9. E

    Archived eHR isn't working for me--at home or at work.

    Yes, of course, another "eHR sucks and I can't access it" post. I haven't ever been able to access eHR at home even with IE, it just does this: But, now, at work, whenever I try to log in to it, the screen loads like its going to the eHR landing page, but ends up going back into the log...
  10. E

    Archived Blizzard? I'm not going to work.

    Happy Christmas all! So tonight/tomorrow we're supposed to be getting a blizzard. I'm scheduled to work tomorrow in the AM and that's where the blizzard comes in. I'm not going into work with 5 inches of snow anticipated to already be on the ground when I am scheduled to come in. So I'm...
  11. E

    Archived How did the 9PM opening go at your store?

    It went fine. We had that initial rush at the beginning, and then after 3 hours, it slowed to the point that we could actually leave the electronics boat and pick up and work on distress/reshop. Then, the rush hit again around 5 am and it was consistently busy all Friday. We were well...
  12. E

    Archived How I feel after we pull all the Black Friday out of the backroom...

    I actually said that last night when I went in there to find my TL!
  13. E

    Archived i find it ridicules...

    I remember the first time I saw the DTLs. It was my first day and while I was studying for my electronics quiz, the LOD at the time came by and introduced me and the DTLs asked me what I knew already and apparently I impressed them and my LOD gave me a free meal to Food Ave. And then last...
  14. E

    Archived TM shopping on Thursday & Friday

    This. At my store, the LODs/STL said that it's not that you can't shop while on lunch or so, because how are you supposed to buy lunch (and things like that), but it's the fact that you shouldn't be in your uniform and using your position as a Target employee to your advantage to cut in line...
  15. E

    Archived Redcards on Black Friday?

    My store has a goal of 80 for Black Friday. The STL said that if the guest wants to apply than to let them and if it hold up the line, so be it.
  16. E

    Archived Petition

    I signed, because it is a bit ridiculous to be opening on Thanksgiving. But, it won't change anything. At all. Petitions only work when the opposing force is open to actually looking into the demands that the petition makes. Target is obviously not going to change it's opening hours after it's...
  17. E

    Archived Holy cow! Wal-mart workers going on strike!

    When my fiancee worked at Walmart as a ZMS, his biggest complaint wasn't about the customers or his employees, it was the fact that he couldn't use his discount on groceries. His last bonus before he left Walmart was a 10% discount on groceries for a full day. Also, for working on Black Friday...
  18. E

    Archived Guest Shenanigans with Carts

    I wish we had the newer carts at my store. The metal and red ones are a bit outdated.
  19. E

    Archived Pre-sell cards.

    Yes, it does. You're supposed to tell the guest when they buy them that they are meant for the store that you are buying it at, and not another store but some TMs forget to explain that, which can lead to the whole...
  20. E

    Archived Punching in 5 minutes early

    If we can have four people (what, four people? I'm serious) scheduled for electronics at one time for 3 hours, I'm sure we can afford to have someone clock out 10 minutes after.