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  1. pellinore

    Archived Quitting Due to Modernization

    Health benefits hours are counted by calendar year...January 1 to December 31, for 2018. If your average hours on your last paycheck of 2018 listed 29.5 hours then a person will qualify for health insurance for the benefit year that is upon Target now. Yes, 29.5 hours is the magic number...and...
  2. pellinore

    Archived Three strikes, you’re out.

    Looks like your leadership sucks....I'd tell you to try to transfer to another store, but chances are that your leadership would screw it up. However, if you do want to transfer, go to the store that you'd like to go to and talk to them there and then see if that store will be willing to push...
  3. pellinore

    Archived Leaving while on LOA?

    Use the time first...then give your notice.
  4. pellinore

    Archived No longer @ Target yet still scheduled

    Bookworm83 Thank you for sharing your experience with leaving Target. Since Target is so dependent on TMs using computers and such you would like to think that once you go on Workday you are done with everything....wipe your did what Target asks for. Also, leaving a job with any...
  5. pellinore

    Archived Sayanora

    Bookworm3: I am incredibly happy for you! Getting a FT job at a place you've been waiting on for 10 years....yay! for you. I am glad that you were able to remove yourself from the unfair environment that you were in. Regarding your letter...I'm guessing that you won't hear a response....but I'm...
  6. pellinore

    Archived Sayanora is early and they still say no? What are they thinking? If your due date was after your six months date then I'd think that it would be fair that they let you get disability. It's not your fault that baby made an early arrival. After learning about all the crap that stores...
  7. pellinore

    Well Crap

    Kartman.....I hear you....while I was fired, I was sent away without the opportunity to say anything to the guests that are regulars......I've been sad over it, but now I think that I'm moving through some of that....can't say that I'm not sad, but I don't have the urge to get dressed to go to...
  8. pellinore

    Well Crap

    I'm guessing that Spot would be too afraid to even hire him!
  9. pellinore

    Well Crap

    I was at Spot for twelve and a half years. I had stayed because I loved being a cashier.
  10. pellinore

    Well Crap

    Yep, new leadership does happen.....the store I was fired from just got a new STL on Monday.....she'll never know what a great cashier I was and how so many guests liked me.
  11. pellinore

    Well Crap

    Kartman, I am sad to learn, not just about you leaving Spot, but the inoperable lung cancer really the worst thing for you to have to deal with....I'm sorry. Hopefully you have many friends and family where you are to keep you company while you have some relaxing time.....and down the road when...
  12. pellinore

    Archived Termination question

    allnew2.....did you have any discipline? I mean, firing someone on their first really bad day....seems a bit severe. What sort of thing did the TM say to get fired on the "spot?" (no pun intended.)
  13. pellinore

    Archived Termination question

    I have never had a CA, I was a loyal, dependable, fairly global, long term TM....and I was terminated. I think that a lot of it depends on who the TM is. Lots of favoritism goes on. Also if there is someone in an upper level position and they happen to be a floater....that can make a...
  14. pellinore

    Archived HRLady's Virtual Uniform-burning Fire Party

    OK.....Ok.......ohhhhhkaaaayyy........i'm tastin' evryythin' aaaaaaand gittin' a bit tipseee.......damnnnnn iiiiits ALL gooood...especially the s'mores!!!
  15. pellinore

    Archived HRLady's Virtual Uniform-burning Fire Party

    Throw in the broken microwave that's been in the lunchroom for a couple of months. At least in the fire it will get hot!!
  16. pellinore

    Archived HRLady's Virtual Uniform-burning Fire Party

    Take my Target water cutters.....and my Hunter golf visor!
  17. pellinore

    Archived HRLady's Virtual Uniform-burning Fire Party

    I wish I could keep the fire burning on my laptop, but I'm afraid that by morning it will just be one large black lump of plastic...and I cannot afford to get a new one yet.
  18. pellinore

    Archived HRLady's Virtual Uniform-burning Fire Party

    I'm happy to burn EVERYTHING I have that once was used for Target. I may have been fired for saying something that a guest found language here has been pretty clean.....right now all I can say is FUCK TARGET!! A valued TM is opportunity for making things...
  19. pellinore

    Archived Goodbye Target

    How do I get to the virtual uniform burning party???
  20. pellinore

    Archived Gone from Target after almost 26 years.

    Good luck to you....and I'm sure you aren't going to miss spot. I'm glad that you're somewhere new and that you are happy there.