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  1. HRZone

    Archived Things Team Members [Leaders] Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    I use service desk and cafe back when we had one. I think using a regular lane is kind of a slap in the face to the guest.
  2. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    It's unfair to expect market to backup when they are pushing fresh or frozen
  3. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    "Hi dtl, sure I'll not replace callouts and see what I can do, but no promises we kind of have a skeleton crew right now" (Hey hrtm: my closer called out can you find me a 4 to 11pm cashier)
  4. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one DTL: You are one insane woman. We worked so hard to make sales this month. We managed our payroll carefully. You calling me on a Friday to ask if we can cut 20 hours to help other stores that missed payroll is insane! I'm not going to screw our team members out of hours because...
  5. HRZone

    To that one guest

    We had a lady last year demand we take down a magazine of Trump after he won the election. There is crazy on both sides. As an LOD you acknowledge the guest and go on their way. They never follow up anyways lol
  6. HRZone

    To that one guest

    Yeah is the policy still you can only toss them if it's CP?
  7. HRZone

    Archived cashier problems

    It's nowhere near that complicated. You suspend the transaction and have them wait to the side while they download and scan their items. Ring up other guest in the meantime
  8. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    It's not an expectation that you control guest kids. It's not in your job duties. It's not covered in orientation. We had a guest whose kid dropped a dumbbell on his foot in front of several witnesses. The guest got pissy until the LOD had several witnesses fill out a form noting the kids...
  9. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    He wouldn't be fired if he didn't say anything and her threatening to sue wouldn't mean anything. Any AP would have video of the kid standing up in the cart long before the tm saw them. You're tm did nothing wrong except citing it as policy. He could have just said kindly "can you guys sit? I...
  10. HRZone

    Archived Guest issues/overrides

    Several threads about this. You should enforce the policy to what your leadership says to do. If they don't care, why should you as an hourly tm? If its only a gsa or gstl, let your ETL ap know for sure. They are usually interested in stopping shady returns. If he's not, forget about it and...
  11. HRZone

    Archived cashier problems

    I've posted the phone policy before, you can always use your phone to help a guest. It's just not required and you won't be compensated for it
  12. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Yup or rather than saying AP we say 209.
  13. HRZone

    Archived cashier problems

    Target has a phone policy that specifically says you DO NOT have to use your phone for a guest.
  14. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Reminds me of our tm mad she isn't getting 40 hours between her 9 to 4pm Monday through Friday availability. That's not even possible!
  15. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    That's a parent problem, not a you problem. Sometimes we page parents and they are embarrassed that's a good thing. Get off your phone and keep an eye on your loved one
  16. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Best practice
  17. HRZone

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Shame on your store leadership. I get denying guest but team members should be able to use boxes. Moving is expensive and who cares if we dont send in a few because a team member took some. Considering how much cardboard a store gets a few boxes doesn't hurt. Heck I used repack boxes then just...
  18. HRZone

    To that one guest

    I don't like the idea of a bank simply because of the sketch people with no place to charge their phone and just want free WiFi. Ie: it would make the loitering worse than it is
  19. HRZone

    Archived Wic guest

    (Nodding aggressively) My old etl ge put a gstl on a CA for our 3rd WIC violation. Cost that store the ability to accept WIC which is a very expensive mistake