Archived 100% Less Stress

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May 28, 2014
After months of searching I finally left Target as a SrTL after 8 years for another job out of retail after an opportunity popped up. Been on the new job for almost 2 months and the culture difference is unreal. Good communication from the top of the company, realistic expectations, fun small events for employees, and proper training. Everything my store has lacked for the past couple years. It's nice not to take work stress home with me for the first time in a looooong time.

I definitely miss a lot of awesome people at my store, and I got to meet my successor and they seem really down to earth so at least my team are in good hands for now. Haven't posted in a long time but have been lurking and will continue to do so. I want to thank anyone who gave me feedback and help when I was new to the SrTL role! To anyone who is on the fence about another opportunity you might be surprised what's on the other side :)
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