Archived 6am Consumables

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Apr 28, 2016
Hey guys so i have another question about market. i was scheduled a 6am shift and my question is what does a 6am market person do? The morning team always seems to be on top of things and fast paced at my store so i just wanted to know a little bit of what to expect, i dont look like a deer in headlights.
Don't panic it's easy fill milk and banana they are big sellers. Take off any moldy fruit berries put in holding zone white tub found in ambient / banana room for the PA to qmos. Fill that holding zone up and over the top with expired and moldy fruit expired bakery just leave for the PA cause that's not your TM hourly wage.

Zone front end caps and yogurt juice freezers.

qmosqueen, Oct 4, 2016
Does your store have a dedicated market team, or are you just the market opener? If you're just opening market, you'll most likely cull P-Fresh, work the SDA, QMOS, and fill milk, bananas, and anything else that isn't located in the backroom. You may also shoot research and/or drop item fill batches to fill outs on the floor.

If you're working the FDC/C&S truck or you're on the dedicated market team, that's a whole different animal. Either way, check in with the LOD and see what they want you to do.
Fill the turkeys!
Yeah the butterballs are flying off the shelf or at least outta the bunker.

I put 10 boxes out right before I left on Friday.

They are on the front page of this upcoming Sunday's ad.
Yeah the butterballs are flying off the shelf or at least outta the bunker.

I put 10 boxes out right before I left on Friday.

They are on the front page of this upcoming Sunday's ad.

Plus there will be a $10 off of $50 in Sundays ad as well!
When we pushed p fresh Friday I had to move the metro so a guest could get to the bunker for a Butterball. She took 1 and there was 1 left. Unless they are flying in by private jet our guests will be screwed if they shop tomorrow.
Check with the LOD (or whomever opens the door at 6am) to see if there's any specific plan for you. If not, and if you haven't been trained to Qmos, just fill bananas, milk, turkeys, and work the pfresh pulls. That should take a few hours and hopefully by then someone can tell you what to do.
I got trained on how to zone p fresh and thats it.
No qmos, fifo, culling, defectives, or cleaning? You are suppose to be responsible to remove bad products, cleaning shelves & make sure presentation look good and full. You need to start asking questions, now to your trainer or tl.
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