Accommodations forms?


Beauty TM
Sep 29, 2017
I've had accommodation requests go squirrely in the past so I want to make sure I'm doing it right this time - my ETL HR gave me a form to have my doctor fill out, and my doctor also needs to provide a letter, right? Is there anything else? Is there a way to digitally submit paperwork or no? I don't want to mess this up. (I sincerely doubt I messed it up before, I think that was just a new HR TL being... new, but it made me paranoid.) I was diagnosed with some heart stuff I really could use accommodations for.
I think it all starts with your doctor specifying what accommodations you would need based on your job duties and medical limitations. I assume that this is the form. After that, you work together to find accommodations that will work for you and for Target.

If there are issues with that, you can also ask about intermittent FMLA. Pay and Benefits can tell you if you are eligible.

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