Logistics All Items Scanned Events Vs. Ghosts?

Sep 20, 2022
Two types of events are recorded in Backroom reporting. When a user performing a Fill cannot find the the requested item in the specified stockroom location, they can select All Items Scanned, to move to the next location in the Fill and systematically delete that item from the location because it wasn't found. This is an AIS event. Similarly, this generates an error known as Ghost, defined as an item being systematically located, but not physically located.
My intuition is that these two events would coincide 1:1. And yet they don't. Shouldn't every time a User hits AIS created a Ghost? Can some other action cause the creation of a Ghost without the need for hitting AIS? What am I missing here?
I have a TM that swears up and down they did not AIS yet shows several ghost errors. There may be something going on with the "skip location" option but I have not yet tested this theory.
If it works like it used to, as long as you scanned everything in the waco, when you hit AIS, it treated your scans as an audit. Any DPCIs you scanned that were supposed to be there were kept, any that weren't located were added (removing a baffle), and anything it thought was there before that you didn't scan was removed (correcting a ghost). If you scanned each DPCI properly, it shouldn't cause an error, and will fix any that were already there. However, if you miss something, then you've created a baffle.

Fulfillment used to be able to create ghosts and baffles if we keyed something wrong or didn't scan everything before hitting AIS. Now, with it being changed to "can't find", it doesn't audit the location. The location is added to the system led backroom audit for the next day.
If it works like it used to, as long as you scanned everything in the waco, when you hit AIS, it treated your scans as an audit. Any DPCIs you scanned that were supposed to be there were kept, any that weren't located were added (removing a baffle), and anything it thought was there before that you didn't scan was removed (correcting a ghost). If you scanned each DPCI properly, it shouldn't cause an error, and will fix any that were already there. However, if you miss something, then you've created a baffle.

Fulfillment used to be able to create ghosts and baffles if we keyed something wrong or didn't scan everything before hitting AIS. Now, with it being changed to "can't find", it doesn't audit the location. The location is added to the system led backroom audit for the next day.

We were told to never hit the AIS button. It creates an error regardless if you scan everything or not. We have to back out of the pull and audit the location before going back into the pull.
@ OldSchoolVet
We were told to never hit the AIS button. It creates an error regardless if you scan everything or not. We have to back out of the pull and audit the location before going back into the pull.
Then you're fudging your BRLA. I've said it here and to any of my leadership that asks, the button is there for a reason. Don't want me to press it? Then don't have errors.
The thing was back in the day with the the error would go back to the person who created and not who found it . I miss that
True, but it's hard to track who was the cause for a Baffle. If the person said they backstocked 4 conditioners, but they really backstocked 3 conditioners and one shampoo, then when someone scans the shampoo, how does the system know that the person who backstocked conditioner was the reason for the baffle? Maybe a sophisticated AI algorithm could draw that conclusion, but we're not there yet!

So as it stands, I have a crap ton of baffles against my name, because I always intentionally scan everything else in my location before scanning the requested item. I want an accurate stockroom!
I think the idea is that someone already made a mistake that led to you having to audit the location. Auditing hides the error from the BRLA metric, but does nothing to address the root cause. AIS also fixes the error, but gives it visibility, and it's also more efficient. Seeing where errors occur gives you more insight into how to retrain your team to mitigate them from occurring in the future.
I think the idea is that someone already made a mistake that led to you having to audit the location. Auditing hides the error from the BRLA metric, but does nothing to address the root cause. AIS also fixes the error, but gives it visibility, and it's also more efficient. Seeing where errors occur gives you more insight into how to retrain your team to mitigate them from occurring in the future.
While doing Backroom System Led Audits, after completing each location, it asks if I have scanned all items. I wonder if the system counts that as an AIS event?
I think the idea is that someone already made a mistake that led to you having to audit the location. Auditing hides the error from the BRLA metric, but does nothing to address the root cause. AIS also fixes the error, but gives it visibility, and it's also more efficient. Seeing where errors occur gives you more insight into how to retrain your team to mitigate them from occurring in the future.
you would think so, but that's a big *Nope* at my store.
I think the idea is that someone already made a mistake that led to you having to audit the location. Auditing hides the error from the BRLA metric, but does nothing to address the root cause. AIS also fixes the error, but gives it visibility, and it's also more efficient. Seeing where errors occur gives you more insight into how to retrain your team to mitigate them from occurring in the future.
Ghosts/baffles are always gonna happen. Auditing does not hide an error, it corrects it, then it no longer exists.
Using AIS is not following the procedure set by management so it would seem that these folks are the ones needing re-training.
Not fudging if you back out of the pull and audit the location in real time, it’ll take the missing is item out of your batch.
Backing out and auditing means it doesn't affect BRLA... i.e. fudging your numbers
The procedure is to have the TM audit the location and correct the error on the spot and then it no longer exists. Not fudging anything.
Ghosts/baffles are always gonna happen. Auditing does not hide an error, it corrects it, then it no longer exists.
Using AIS is not following the procedure set by management so it would seem that these folks are the ones needing re-training.
That's literally not the procedure from corporate. Anything other than AIS is something your store/district wants you to do to improve their #s. AIS marks it as an error and creates a task to correct it. That's literally procedure. Maybe you need to go over your ethics training again. 🙄🙄
Backing out and auditing means it doesn't affect BRLA... i.e. fudging your numbers

That's literally not the procedure from corporate. Anything other than AIS is something your store/district wants you to do to improve their #s. AIS marks it as an error and creates a task to correct it. That's literally procedure. Maybe you need to go over your ethics training again. 🙄🙄
Never said it was procedure from corporate. Not sure this has anything to do with ethics. It's literally correcting an error on the spot.
Its operational, not a matter of honesty/dishonesty
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Never said it was procedure from corporate. Not sure this has anything to do with ethics. It's literally correcting an error on the spot.
Its operational, not a matter of honesty/dishonesty
Corporate would like it done a specific way, and you're going out of your way to do it off process. You're misrepresenting your BRLA metric by not properly reporting it. Whether that is your, your TL's, ETL's, or SD's, etc. decision, it is a matter of dishonesty.
Then you're fudging your BRLA. I've said it here and to any of my leadership that asks, the button is there for a reason. Don't want me to press it? Then don't have errors.
And the button prop asks if all items are scanned, yet that is then used again us in other reports… it implies that the location is untidy. So use your eyes and locate the products before you scan them please.
Point blank all items scanned is a scape goat to coach your team members and the wrong team members at that. If tommy takes everything out of a location without unlocating them and then susie has a pull in there and creates a ghost, susie is going to get in trouble for that error not tommy who created the error.
Point blank all items scanned is a scape goat to coach your team members and the wrong team members at that. If tommy takes everything out of a location without unlocating them and then susie has a pull in there and creates a ghost, susie is going to get in trouble for that error not tommy who created the error.