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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
Self check out.
The boss says that it was announced at the big meeting that it would be rolled out in 2012 and we would be getting four self checkout registers.
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Whew, good thing I won't be around when they roll it out in 101 years... ;)
That'll be awesome for corporate. All they'll need is a GSTL to watch the machines and they won't have to schedule any cashiers ever. And then we can cut on salesfloor because they won't have to back up cashier, so we can have 1 person on salesfloor at night to zone everything plus an operator. YAY!!!!!

that'll be awesome for corporate. All they'll need is a gstl to watch the machines and they won't have to schedule any cashiers ever. And then we can cut on salesfloor because they won't have to back up cashier, so we can have 1 person on salesfloor at night to zone everything plus an operator. Yay!!!!!


I like self scan, but only because I've been on the other side of the register. I can scan and bag faster than most cashiers who I notice go insanely slow. When I shop I am in and out as quick as possible. Time = Money.

That being said, I'm also aware that the concept of expecting customers to scan and bag their own items is hilariously unrealistic for a few reasons. Some customers are technology illiterate and can't figure it out. Put a graphic there illustrating it, and they won't see it like the rest of the visual aids they miss (prices, the item they want, the big board describing the return policy behind guest service, overhead signs, etc), then you have other guests that feel it's beneath them to scan and bag because that's "like totally your job, you silly high school drop out you" <-- yes ignorant people actually say/think that. And then there's the customer base that wants human interaction in case there are problems, or they decide they don't want something.

In reality self checkouts are for a small portion of the customer base but Target HQ wants to cut labor costs. lol.
Fan-effing-tabulous news.


Are self checkouts able to handle coupons? Because I would think they wouldn't allow it, considering the potential for possible fraud...
If there's a price discrepancy, coupon won't scan, UPC won't scan, payment card not accepted, giftcard promos to name a few.
Self Checkout would never work in my store. Half of our guests don't even know how to use the card reader for debit/credit. Also, where would guests put go-backs? Everywhere. And coupons? Don't even get me started.
Ahahahahahhahahaha. Self check out! Oh god! With how many attempts at fraud there are, how upset customers get when they get called on ticket switching merchandise, and how FREQUENTLY people try to scam the register people? With the money they "save" in hours they'll lose more than triple in shrink.
I know in some of the stores here in MN there are already Self-checkouts. The ones they had are the same ones that you find in Walmart, except they are Red, imagine that!

They just switched the four express lanes (Which were not usable as they just housed carts on the guest's side) and now have four self checkouts.
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Will this even work in any of the stores? I mean lets say you install 4 of them. Place them so they are facing eachother

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​You still need to build a barricade on both sides as well as have a spot for the "watcher" to review the items bought plus those security polions. Do any of the stores have the space?
I think it will work with people who buy less than 15 items. It will make the people who want to go through the lines quickly instead on waiting behind someone who is buying 300 worth of stuff.
They talked about this earlier at my store.

They said that Target wasn't too keen on the idea because it would "break" the guest experience at Target. I keep thinking that having somebody that can help the person is actually breaking with the Target experience.
I think you are right. We broke our trust with the guests a LONG time ago. There is NO one to help the guests. At any given hour we have way more cashiers than salesfloor team members.
I think you are right. We broke our trust with the guests a LONG time ago. There is NO one to help the guests. At any given hour we have way more cashiers than salesfloor team members.

I know I find it odd that quite a bit of the time we will have 2 GSTLs and a GSA all there at the same time inn addition to 3 cashiers yet only have 1TL and 1TM in hardlines.(I can't speak for softilines since I don't work there.) I remember the first time I encounterd this situation and I walked in at 9:00 AM after being called in because another TM called out and the HL TL that was there said "you're my only TM till 4pm"...:facepalm:
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Maybe the IQ of your guests are higher than the ones where I live. Our guests still get confused with the debit card/credit card pads. If they were to be faced with a few more buttons their heads may explode! What about WIC and Food Vouchers?
Oh yeah I don't think we can cut anymore. In a SuperT today there was 1, yes 1 salesfloor team member. Tonight there are a total of 3 people on the salesfloor. it should be a great zone.....
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