Archived Any others leader have HRs that suck?

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Feb 2, 2014
Hey y'all.
Leader peers, I need some help.

Anybody else have an hr that constantly doesn't thoroughly read your emails, then tells you your not sending things to them even though you have all the emails in your sent folder?

I send attendance and compliance coaching either the day of the incident or the next day I'm in the building. I'm absolutely anal retentive about it. I keep a list of due vs sent and it's ALWAYS up to date.

My hr has taken to sending out mass emails spot lighting leads on "overdue coachings" which is, I'm pretty sure, technically unethical because of the whole, "praise in public, coach in private" thing.

Any other leads having problems like this?
Its gotten bad to the point that I sent her a compliance coaching, asked of she got it, physically watched her open it, got recognition for doing it so quickly, then 2 hours later she called me over the walkie and asked if I'd typed up the coaching yet.
I know Outlook did have an option to send a auto response when who you sent it to opened it. So you have that a receipt of sorts. BCC(blind copy) your ETL so they are in on the entire thread. Also while you are not there they have a trail to follow to sort out issues. All neat and tidy in a e-mail thread.

This was my biggest weapon working in a corporate job with aholes who thought it was cute to ignore me and what I needed out of them. "Oh so you say you never got that?, then how did I get this?" attached copy of receipt of when they opened it. :cool:
I'm having to send an email every week of lists of names and the date I sent coachings to her.
I'm completely aware that hr has a million emails every day to go through but if you're gonna call somebody out for not doing their job, make sure it isn't you just not reading emails first.
I'm having to send an email every week of lists of names and the date I sent coachings to her.
I'm completely aware that hr has a million emails every day to go through but if you're gonna call somebody out for not doing their job, make sure it isn't you just not reading emails first.

If I were HR, I would have folders and filters set up so as stuff comes in it gets dropped to the right folder. Coaching, Punch corrections and well you get the idea.
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