I'm so tired of people bitching about their jobs. It's so played out. Usually when someone complains about their job, they leave out key bits of information that make them at fault for being in a shitty situation. Or, they take minuscule occurrences, and turn them into personal attacks on themselves. There's a lot of ego that goes into the concept of "this job sucks because it's not exactly how I like it!"
Example, one of our Food Avenue ladies is constantly complaining about never having enough time to finish her work. Yet she'll stand around and talk to people about it for 15 minutes at a time, multiple times throughout the night. Maybe if she'd shut up and work, she'd get her stuff done. A lot of the younger people do this shit too. Except usually the young ones don't know how to articulate why they "hate" their job. The fact that they just have to be there doing stuff seems to be why they hate it. Absurd.
In your case, yeah, it sucks. You're not excelling at the rate you want. Yet you're obviously someone they actually consider. Whatever reason they eventually choose not to, is just unfortunate. Maybe they find someone more qualified. Maybe they find someone whom plays to the politics better. It sucks, but its how it is. It's not like they're dropping you from TL to Janitor because they just don't like you. You've made it to TL in 5 years, and you "hate" your job? Are you serious? Have you ever considered that the reason you think other people are less qualified, is because you already decided you "deserve" that position, thus anyone else is just a bad choice? Are you seriously claiming that you're the perfect employee? There's no possible way anyone else could also be as qualified as you are?
I can safely say I "hated" my old job. This was because I was "promoted" to a certain position within the store. However, when the company fell on rough economic times, and they laid off/ demoted a bunch of people, they demoted me even though I had been in that position for 2 years longer than another girl that was back there. Yet because that was never officially filed, (or at least they claimed it wasn't) I was the one that got the boot. And they didn't have any reason for me either other than that's just what the bakery manager wanted. My work was good though. I did everything correctly, wasn't a slacker, or even much of a talker really. But, this manager disliked me for various reasons. We had got into it a few times because I called her unprofessional when she brought back a coworkers doctor note, ranting about being pissed this girl wasn't going to work a holiday despite being sick. She shared extremely private medical information, and then gossiped about how she thought it must be a fake note. Granted, where I was wrong, was running my mouth to the manager about how unprofessional she was. It should have been brought up in private to the Store Supervisor. ANYWAY, I went from 40hours a week at $9.50 an hour, to 16 hours at $8 an hour. Needless to say, I quit shortly after when they refused to work around my schedule for a second job.