Archived Anyone using Cartwheel Perks (RedPerks)?

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Nov 1, 2011
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone is using Cartwheel Perks? My understanding that is was being tested in a few places (not where I live, but in a neighboring state) and would roll to more places, as time goes on. In any event, I am hearing guests talk about how they have gotten free merchandise with this. Just wondering if it has rolled out to more locations or if they are just getting a reward when traveling to a neighboring state to shop. Was previously signed up for RedPerks, but never used it, as I kept getting a message about it not working at my store. I also heard my RedPerks account just automatically transfer over to Cartwheel, but see anything anywhere there.
Is this like a rewards program? I haven't heard anything about it but it sounds awesome. We seriously need some type of loyalty rewards
I have been using it . I like it that the red perks and cart wheel are combined. Makes things a lot easier. The only issue I have seen so far is sometimes it takes a while for your points to update. I have had mine take up to an hour to update.
I honestly wish I could get mine to work! I kinda fudged around and said I was from one of the test marketed areas but didn't really put forth the effort. I mean I have the redperks barcode, but I have no idea how to consolidate the two.
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