Archived AP, what should team members not call you about?

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Jan 15, 2014
When I call AP for things on channel 4, I always wonder if I'm wasting your time or not.

When you answer, if you feel comfortable doing so, it might be nice if you mention the volume of your store, since that probably affects your staffing and what you feel is worth your time.
Don't call then for anything other blatant stealing or violence. It's a waste of time otherwise
AP culture seems to be different store to store. Our AP people like us to call out everything little or big. I'm sure they shake their heads at some of the stuff they get for empty packages, but at least they know about it. They can choose how to proceed with it.
My store has us call for a bunch of stuff. Large HBA fraud returns, left purchases/paid and left, guest saying we didn't give them their money (yes we did). The most we call them about is when a known person with theft or fraud comes into the store. TPS follows them around the store while APS watches the camera the entire time.
I don't call about an empty package unless it's something valuable (see: electronics); otherwise, I report it on the PDA.

If you see something suspicious, it's better to let AP know so they can investigate. If it turns out to be nothing, then so be it, but if something is going on, they'll be glad you tipped them off.
I don't call about an empty package unless it's something valuable (see: electronics); otherwise, I report it on the PDA.

If you see something suspicious, it's better to let AP know so they can investigate. If it turns out to be nothing, then so be it, but if something is going on, they'll be glad you tipped them off.

How do you report empties on the PDA? Can you do this on a MyDevice or does it have to be an LPDA?
You can do it in sort stuff; after you set it up for "sorting" outside the service desk, you can scan an item and select that the package is empty.

Then you can select where you found the item, I use it often for fitting room empties, since I can't run up to the service desk when I am tied to the fitting room. (Funnily enough, I usually only find empties after someone covers my breaks/lunches, I try to be vigilant)

If you select that you found it on the sales floor, it will add an additional step for you to scan where you found it e.g. A1. Then AP will know when/where/what you found empty.
i push the cereal aisle every truck day . and every single time i find empty packages from market, HBA , electronic cables.... . i just put the stuff with the defectives. should i let someone know, its happening every time i push
How do you report empties on the PDA? Can you do this on a MyDevice or does it have to be an LPDA?

Sort Stuff is not on the MyDevices, so you'll have to use a PDA. It's in All Applications on the 3rd(?) page. Then follow the instructions below.

You can do it in sort stuff; after you set it up for "sorting" outside the service desk, you can scan an item and select that the package is empty.

Then you can select where you found the item, I use it often for fitting room empties, since I can't run up to the service desk when I am tied to the fitting room. (Funnily enough, I usually only find empties after someone covers my breaks/lunches, I try to be vigilant)

If you select that you found it on the sales floor, it will add an additional step for you to scan where you found it e.g. A1. Then AP will know when/where/what you found empty.
i push the cereal aisle every truck day . and every single time i find empty packages from market, HBA , electronic cables.... . i just put the stuff with the defectives. should i let someone know, its happening every time i push

I'm not an expert but it seems like if you are getting a consistent thing like that it would be worth reporting.
If it is as you say, every day they might want to set up a camera or something.
Call us for anything other than an empty package, unless you see a person walking away from it and you think they're the subject. We would rather respond to a dozen nothings than miss a single something. If the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, or you have any funny feeling about someone, go ahead and call us.
Sort Stuff is not on the MyDevices, so you'll have to use a PDA. It's in All Applications on the 3rd(?) page. Then follow the instructions below.

Well, boo on that! I rarely use my device since I constantly need RF apps functions. Hopefully sort stuff will get added to the my device soon, because AP really likes the EP info from it.
AP at our store gets called for stuff here and there but its always "Hey AP, what's your location?" or "Hey can you switch to channel X?" So I never know what its about. Though I've never heard anyone report packages over the radio to him.

Here's a situation I've wondered about; if military personnel are wandering the store and trying to recruit, is that something AP should be addressing?

i push the cereal aisle every truck day . and every single time i find empty packages from market, HBA , electronic cables.... . i just put the stuff with the defectives. should i let someone know, its happening every time i push
Yeah, that's something you should have at least been letting your TL know about at least.
AP at our store gets called for stuff here and there but its always "Hey AP, what's your location?" or "Hey can you switch to channel X?" So I never know what its about. Though I've never heard anyone report packages over the radio to him.

Here's a situation I've wondered about; if military personnel are wandering the store and trying to recruit, is that something AP should be addressing?

Yeah, that's something you should have at least been letting your TL know about at least.
Yes recruiting it's against store policy.
Please don't call me if the automatic carts died or if someone spilled something on the floor, you're an adult you can handle that. Also another thing that drives me nuts is when someone calls me over to a location to then tell me of suspicious activities, call me on the radio and tell me so I can then pick them up on camera and possibly have an apprehension. I've also had several team members who have called me to channel 4 to tell me they have a code yellow *face palm*.

I know I speak for my team when I say that most call outs are good and we appreciate about 95% of them, it's just the few that are wasting my time.
Please don't call me if the automatic carts died or if someone spilled something on the floor, you're an adult you can handle that. Also another thing that drives me nuts is when someone calls me over to a location to then tell me of suspicious activities, call me on the radio and tell me so I can then pick them up on camera and possibly have an apprehension. I've also had several team members who have called me to channel 4 to tell me they have a code yellow *face palm*.

I know I speak for my team when I say that most call outs are good and we appreciate about 95% of them, it's just the few that are wasting my time.
I had a team member tell me to switch to channel four to tell me about a code red in food ave...*face palm*
Most team members in my store are pretty good about calling stuff out, its jusrjust getting called about old empty packages that annoys me because I can't do anything with them until they are processed any ways.
There are some people that need to learn to stay off the walkie during a Code Yellow, however. Tuesday we had a legit CY, and people were still talking about small stuff while the description was going out. Luckily I had an instant made huddle topic.
Please don't call me if the automatic carts died or if someone spilled something on the floor, you're an adult you can handle that. Also another thing that drives me nuts is when someone calls me over to a location to then tell me of suspicious activities, call me on the radio and tell me so I can then pick them up on camera and possibly have an apprehension. I've also had several team members who have called me to channel 4 to tell me they have a code yellow *face palm*.

I know I speak for my team when I say that most call outs are good and we appreciate about 95% of them, it's just the few that are wasting my time.
In addition to these, The one that used to bother me was the call to tell me that a product didn't have a spider wrap on the shelf. Look, you've got legs, you know where the spider wraps are, put it on yourself. Unless it's been removed or tampered with, it's not important enough to pull AP away from surveillance or whatever else they might be doing.
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