Archived APL Confusion

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Mar 12, 2013
So I'm on the bench and our APL is leaving (he just put in his 2 week notice)

My stl said if I wanted it I would have yet another interview with the APBP. Which that right there is odd because I was told that the first leader position that opened would be mine due to being "signed off"

But anyway I asked what the pay grade was and he said he "thinks its 11" but I should ask HR.

So I did ask HR... Our ETL-HR is ~ 3 months new and said she wasn't sure so how she looked it up was by seeing what pay grade a newly hired GSTL was placed at?!?!?! What?!?!?! And due to the new being a GSTL she said said yup, stl is right.. Its a pay grade 11.

From all I've read on this forum it seems apl is higher at n15.

2 questions... Let's say I'm signed off by the apbp when I officially accept will the mistaken pg confusion be fixed when the role is selected??

And if not how the hell do I get them to look it up properly without having to say, "could you please look that up because on an internet forum everyone says its higher"?

Thanks in advance!
APL is pg15. You were signed off by the DTL for a TL position store side. If it was for a Flow TL position it would be fine but AP is a wee bit different. When you interview for APL without being on the bench you don't interview with the DTL just your STL APBP and GAPTL.
Yeah I figured as much about the higher paygrade.

So, anyone from HR on this board... am I screwed because our stores new ETL-HR is basing it off the notion that all TL paygrades are equal starting out or will it be OK?
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