Sales Floor Are target employees allowed to listen to music?

Its not allowed but that doesn't stop a lot of them from having one anyway, hell some of them will be talking to people on mics 😆. We aren't even allowed to have earbuds in the backroom/SFS area anymore.
We are allowed to wear 1 earbud, but our SD/ETL's made it very clear.... if we are observed not responding to walkie calls and have ear buds in, they will start enforcing no earbuds. The team is very appreciative so far.
There's a lot of slack on this issue at my store. Never two earbuds - that's a safety issue. But TMs will often have one earbud in, even on the sales floor. I think it's rude to guests, but TLs don't seem to care. In the back room any time and on the floor when the store is closed some TMs will have their phones stuck in their rear pockets at full blast. I think it's rude to other TMs who perhaps don't like the same music, but again, TLs don't seem to care.
I like music, but not usually what my co-workers like. And I like quiet, letting my mind wander.
My store technically speaking does not allow earbuds. However, TMs routinely break the policy and nothing is done about it. Alas, I have hearing issues such that I can't understand what someone is saying to me from 10 feet away if there is any background noise at all. I also can't differentiate between some consonants unless the speaker is directly in front of me. It's some weird directional hearing thing I have. Besides those two things, my ears are generally shot now that I'm older as I listened to a ton of loud music in my days and hearing loss runs in the family. Masks make this all worse as I read lips to get by a lot of the time. No music for me at work. Not that it makes a difference. Try to call me on the walkie. Unless you yell, I'm not going to hear you.