Archived Availability request denied - Help!

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Feb 24, 2015
This has been bugging me for the past few days. About a month ago I requested a change of availability due to school (I made sure to do this 3 weeks in advance) and it was approved without a request of proof. When I went to change my availability again due to classes for this upcoming Spring semester (I also made sure to do this a few weeks in advance) it was denied and NOW they request proof? They denied it last minute and to add insult to injury they also scheduled me for those days I specifically labeled as limited availability. Apparently the person who's in charge of scheduling is new and I spoke to her about this and she expects me to come in on Saturday completely disregarding that my school schedule (which I showed her) lists that I have class every Saturday starting at 9 AM to 5 PM. So now I'm stuck with these shifts, I'm torn between calling out, risking a NCNS or just quitting altogether. There's no way I'm going to be able to come in after a long day of class, math class of all things. I think Target is completely inconsiderate of their employees. They clearly play favorites and I'm sure they have no problem when certain people request Saturdays off for no particular reason whatsoever.
So you requested all of Saturday off when you had 9-5 classes?
So they scheduled you a closing shift?
I understand that it will be tough but I do understand why they scheduled you for it.
You weren't available 9-5, they didn't schedule for that.

On the one hand I understand being burned out, on the other my daughter is going to grad school and waiting tables every night.
You're young you will survive.
This is tough, in order to keep your job there, you basically need to deal with it. I work every weekend and close almost every night. I get home late and then wake up with my kids early. Some days, I'll work double shifts. Target needs people at certain times. If your schedule is too restrictive, they won't need you.

Try to talk with them and find a compromise. Explaining your situation can't hurt anything.
To be fair, Saturday is pretty much off-limits as far as availability goes, at least at my store. My ETL-HR has repeatedly said Saturdays & Sundays availability needs to be open, or at least partially open. Those are the busiest days of the week and all hands on deck are needed, especially in third & fourth quarter.

Why do you have classes on Saturday, anyway? Most college campuses have few if any classes that day.
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Always check with your TL and HR before submitting a request online so that everyone is on the same page and it won't be denied at the last minute.

That being said, you are probably out of luck getting an entire Saturday off when you only have classes until 5pm. The best you should aim for is enough time in between to eat dinner and get to work.

If that still won't cut it, just plead your case to your TL, ETL, or ETL-HR and see what happens. I managed to get Sundays off using that method.
To be fair, Saturday is pretty much off-limits as far as availability goes, at least at my store. My ETL-HR has repeatedly said Saturdays & Sundays availability needs to be open, or at least partially open. Those are the busiest days of the week and all hands on deck are needed, especially in third & fourth quarter.

Why do you have classes on Saturday, anyway? Most college campuses have few if any classes that day.
My college had entire degree programs through Saturday classes. Aimed toward business people who with Mon-Fri. It was two or three five hour classes each Saturday.
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