Archived average hours

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Jun 10, 2011
I don't know how the average hours are calculated for team members (computerized, or done by team lead/ETL's in store), but mine is severely inaccurate. I usually work about 48 hours per week (no overtime, because my state is weird and requires time and a half on Sunday's, so Sunday hours do not count towards overtime). However, my average hours always seems to come out to 28-32 hours every time I check. The only reason this bugs be is because I can't use vacation time when I take a day off because MAX says I worked over my average hours. Has anyone else run into this? Could it be because I only work Summers/school breaks since I am a college student now?
the average is for all weeks so that's why it stays around 28-32 hours usually. Yes, it's because you work the large number of hours for short periods during the year. I agree that the inability to use vacation above the average is pretty annoying.
Average hour questions are generally best answered by the Target Benefits Center since they do all of the average hours calcuations (not your lead or ETL), though the TMSC/HROC does also have access to your average hours information. You too can find it on your paper paystubs, as well as on your electronic paystubs. Average hours are calculated adding up the previous 12 months i.e. all the hours you worked from this time last year to this year. So working alot lately doesn't mean your 12 month average hours are going to instantly go up to 40 hours per week, it's a very slow process to build your average hours back up. And yes, being a full time college student who takes educational leaves of absence during the school year will definitely negatively affect your average hours. Your HR representative can answer Educational leaves of absence questions
Also check your paycheck statements. They'll update your cummulative avg hrs at the end of each month.
Average hours are calculated once a month, usually the last few days of the month or the first first few days of the new month. That is the calculation which determines how much vacation, sick and personal holiday hours you can use. You can only use the # of vac/ph/sick hrs that brings you up to your average hours, so if you work 20 hours in the week, but your average hours are 30, you can only use 10 hours of vac/ph/sick. At the same token, if you worked 30 hours this week, but your average hours are only 20, you can't use ANY vac/ph/sick hours due to the new rule that went into affect a couple of years ago. As it pertains to the OverTime topic, the payroll department constitutes the sunday hours as already being paid out at the time and a half rate, therefore working 48 hours, but 8 of them already getting time and half, means no OT until you have worked over 48 hours. Back to the average hour calculation, there is monthly calculation which is done, but the most important calculation that is done is the all important, once a year calculation that is done to determine your benefits. That is usually done between the end of Dec and beginning of January. Just so you know EVERY avg hrs calc is based on the entire last 12 month i.e. YEAR! Same thing for the Yearly calc, it's done around the 1st of the year, so the most recent one done on January 4th, adds up all the hours you worked from December 2010 until December 2011, and those hours are the hours which determine your eligibility for benefits, vacation, sick, National Holiday, Personal Holiday, medical, dental, optical, prescriptions, you name it! Therefore, yes, as a college student who takes Educational Leaves of Absence, you are seriously hardmed by you unpaid times away from work. It brings your average hours down dramatically!
I don't know how the average hours are calculated for team members (computerized, or done by team lead/ETL's in store), but mine is severely inaccurate. I usually work about 48 hours per week (no overtime, because my state is weird and requires time and a half on Sunday's, so Sunday hours do not count towards overtime). However, my average hours always seems to come out to 28-32 hours every time I check. The only reason this bugs be is because I can't use vacation time when I take a day off because MAX says I worked over my average hours. Has anyone else run into this? Could it be because I only work Summers/school breaks since I am a college student now?
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