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Jun 7, 2011
we have 30 schools in our area. the little sidecaps are never enough to store the school lists. anyone have a suggestion how to keep them organized?
Seems like last year we had a table with the lists in those large plastic file folder crate things you use the hanging file folders in. It had large tabs labeling the schools. We used one of the large sign holders and made a sign that said school supply lists here.
Seems like every year Target uses the Cardboard cut offs while other stores have a medal shelf with racks.
we have 30 schools in our area. the little sidecaps are never enough to store the school lists. anyone have a suggestion how to keep them organized?

Keep master copies of all schools around you. Then keep checking on the Internet for any changes.
We make a binder for GS and clerical so we can run copies as needed.

Ditto here. What sucks is when a school doesn't fax the lists & everyone comes in asking why 'we' don't have the list. Ask your school, kids.😕
List of what schools want parents to buy their kids for upcoming school, it will be called back to school soon or (BTS).
Often times you can their list from the schools website if they don't fax it to you. I had our AP guy download a PDF from one school that refused to hand out the lists.
i usually just go to walmart and take theirs if we're missing some 😀

saves a lot of headaches that way...
WOW! Did HQ kill the real breakroom!

This new site sucks!

My degree is in marketing management.

I have a degree from one of the top business schools in the world.

I work for TGT.

I work in stores.

And GODDAMN is ************ going down the drain.
This new site sucks!

My degree is in marketing management.

I have a degree from one of the top business schools in the world.

I work for TGT.

I work in stores.

And GODDAMN is ************ going down the drain.

No, HQ had nothing to do with it. More like a crapped out server.
If you don't like it, you can go elsewhere or contribute something more than mere insults. Meanwhile, we have a forum to rebuild.
This new site sucks!

If you're looking to provide feedback, you'll notice there is a Suggestions board.
If you're making a comparison on the fit-and-function of this site vs. the old site, they are virtually the same from an aesthetic point of view, and are only slightly different in terms of features.
If you're simply commenting on the low membership of the site, we just reopened 10ish days ago so our membership and content is still getting reestablished.
If you're looking to brag about graduating from a high-end business school and *ahem* working for a Target store, the Introductions thread would be better-suited for that.
This new site sucks!
I didn't see you building a new one when the old one went down.
My degree is in marketing management.
And I should care why?
I have a degree from one of the top business schools in the world.
Again, you're telling me this because ...
I work for TGT.
OK, that's cool. So does most everyone here or they did.
You know what though, most of them seem to understand common courtesy and community savvy.

I work in stores.
If you act like this at work I feel sorry for the people in you store.
And GODDAMN is ************ going down the drain.
Bugger off.
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Without trying to get further off topic on this thread, I just have to add my $0.02. I have a real problem with the people who only have one post to their name and it's solely to offer a complaint about something that was offered free to them. Doesn't speak too well of their character.
I've seen similar posts on other forums. Their intent is to incite others. Our best recourse is to ignore and move on to the subject at hand. 🙂
/me looks at ground and scuffs his feet. I know, shouldn't feed the damn trolls but I really did tone down the original version of my post.
There are times when if you jump on their heads with both feet they go away quickly.
I don't get it... Marketing Management degree and you work at the store level? Whatever to each his own. And about the old BR v. this BR what exactly is sooo different that it causes you soooo much stress? And I believe that the point of this website is to vent about our problems, B.S. a little, and learn more about our jobs and how to make our selves both better people and better TMs!

And back to the subject of the thread. Anybody doing an overnight to set up BTS? This will be the first time we will be doing it and I am thrilled.

Having had to work around guests the past two years has just not been fun. While BTS isn't Christmas building all the shippers, etc. will be much easier during an overnight.

It doesn't look like the hanging signs are going to be the major pain that last years were. (Sure I'll build a 6' by 6' lunch box ... oh you want it to open too?).
And back to the subject of the thread. Anybody doing an overnight to set up BTS? This will be the first time we will be doing it and I am thrilled.

Having had to work around guests the past two years has just not been fun. While BTS isn't Christmas building all the shippers, etc. will be much easier during an overnight.

Yep, we're doing O/N. We switch shifts on July 10. I can't wait. I don't mind helping the guests, in fact it's a part of my job I truly enjoy, but I realize we are in their way of shopping as we are theirs. Plus we'll be getting more freight & double trucks. Having to stop for clean up to be great by 8 makes it much more difficult with early AM shift. I don't know when the presentation team will be doing overnights. I think if I remember correctly we'll be O/N for six weeks.
my store is already o/n flow... only difference is that we are supposed to be getting double trucks every night for something like three weeks!! Can anyone say overtime?????
O/T is a beautiful thing. Our flow and POG team are both already overnight. So no change for us.
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