Archived Being questioned by STL

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Jul 29, 2012
Now our store (and as far as I know, the one a few miles away that serves the same Demographic) have had a rough time getting our attachment rate into the "safe" range; I have come up with competitions between my TM's and tried various forms of recognition, however whenever we see an increase the ETL's hound the Electronics TM's and always tell them "its not good enough". Talk about a buzz kill, my TM's morale is at an all time low, even with the support they receive from me.

My STL walked with me on the floor saying people are questioning that I am the right person to be the TL for Electronics, and that I have no passion to improve the score (which is total BS, if I had no passion for my team to do well I wouldn't encourage them at all). Now while I have struggled with this team, it does no good to have EVERY ETL in the store saying how much the score sucks (even with improvements) week after week. I really am more pissed off that he would openly question that I might not be the right person for the Electronics Team RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ELECTRONICS BOAT. Is this not a conversation which should be reserved for closed door chats?
Now our store (and as far as I know, the one a few miles away that serves the same Demographic) have had a rough time getting our attachment rate into the "safe" range; I have come up with competitions between my TM's and tried various forms of recognition, however whenever we see an increase the ETL's hound the Electronics TM's and always tell them "its not good enough". Talk about a buzz kill, my TM's morale is at an all time low, even with the support they receive from me.

My STL walked with me on the floor saying people are questioning that I am the right person to be the TL for Electronics, and that I have no passion to improve the score (which is total BS, if I had no passion for my team to do well I wouldn't encourage them at all). Now while I have struggled with this team, it does no good to have EVERY ETL in the store saying how much the score sucks (even with improvements) week after week. I really am more pissed off that he would openly question that I might not be the right person for the Electronics Team RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ELECTRONICS BOAT. Is this not a conversation which should be reserved for closed door chats?

I think his intent was to show you how serious he is. He was basically "making it known" to everyone that if your numbers don't improve, you won't be a TL anymore.

If I was you, I would get my numbers up or be looking for another job. When an STL pulls a move like that, the next step is you out the door. I wouldn't make an issue out of him calling you out unless you want to expedite your departure....

Keep in mind this is an STL, not an ETL. If he wants you gone, he pretty much can do it single handedly.
You're missing my point. I understand the severity of the situation, and as serious as it may be I still think the discussion should have happened in his office and not on the floor infront of my TM's.
Sot is correct on this one. I have to ask some questions. Does your team respect you? Are you up to date on current tech stuff? Have you shown your team that little stuff like batteries, covers, & ESP's do add up. Don't forget red cards too!
Sot is correct on this one. I have to ask some questions. Does your team respect you? Are you up to date on current tech stuff? Have you shown your team that little stuff like batteries, covers, & ESP's do add up. Don't forget red cards too!

I have, they know that the small things do add up. We have been pushing cheap batteries, SP's and more RP's (since they cover even the Vtech toys) these days.

I would say the team does respect me, since when things are going well, I am the first to recognize that and I am more hands on daily. I am more up to date on new Electronics (cameras, DVD players, TV's) than some of my TM's just do to my interests outside of work. I know the problem isn't all me, there are areas for improvement that can be made with the team on that note.
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You're missing my point. I understand the severity of the situation, and as serious as it may be I still think the discussion should have happened in his office and not on the floor infront of my TM's.

Look, let me answer some questions for you.

1. Would it have been better for your STL to talk to you in his office? Maybe.

2. Is the STL allowed to talk to you on the floor about it if he decides to do so? Absolutely.

3. Will you win if you challenge your STL on this? Absolutely not.

4. Will challenging your STL on this make your problem (bad numbers) go away? Absolutely not.

Let's be honest here, this probably wasn't the first time you and your STL had this conversation. Chances are, the first conversations were off the floor. The fact is, your numbers are still not good. Your STL obviously felt the need to take it up to this level at this point.

STLs don't become STLs by pu**y footing around. Honestly, you should be lucky your STL is being real with you and having these talks. Most STLs would simply call you in the office and next thing you know you are being walked out the door.

It sounds like your STL is seriously trying to warn you about what's coming, and instead of focusing on ways to improve your numbers you are trying to find something to use against your STL. That's the worrying thing. I can tell you right now, unless you have video of your STL pulling a truck up to the store after it is closed and loading high dollar electronics into it, you aren't going to get him in trouble.

In a way, this might actually have been good for you. You say your TMs like you. If that is true, now that they know your job is on the line, maybe they will start working on the numbers for you. (perhaps that was also your STLs hope)

Honestly, the fact you are upset your TMs know about this situation now pretty much says that you probably have not been effectively communicating the severity of this situation to them.... Otherwise they would have already known what was up. When I was a TL, whenever I talked to my team about *any* numbers, they already knew it meant the ETLs were on my ass.
Look, let me answer some questions for you.

1. Would it have been better for your STL to talk to you in his office? Maybe.

2. Is the STL allowed to talk to you on the floor about it if he decides to do so? Absolutely.

3. Will you win if you challenge your STL on this? Absolutely not.

4. Will challenging your STL on this make your problem (bad numbers) go away? Absolutely not.

Let's be honest here, this probably wasn't the first time you and your STL had this conversation. Chances are, the first conversations were off the floor. The fact is, your numbers are still not good. Your STL obviously felt the need to take it up to this level at this point.

STLs don't become STLs by pu**y footing around. Honestly, you should be lucky your STL is being real with you and having these talks. Most STLs would simply call you in the office and next thing you know you are being walked out the door.

It sounds like your STL is seriously trying to warn you about what's coming, and instead of focusing on ways to improve your numbers you are trying to find something to use against your STL. That's the worrying thing. I can tell you right now, unless you have video of your STL pulling a truck up to the store after it is closed and loading high dollar electronics into it, you aren't going to get him in trouble.

In a way, this might actually have been good for you. You say your TMs like you. If that is true, now that they know your job is on the line, maybe they will start working on the numbers for you. (perhaps that was also your STLs hope)

Honestly, the fact you are upset your TMs know about this situation now pretty much says that you probably have not been effectively communicating the severity of this situation to them.... Otherwise they would have already known what was up. When I was a TL, whenever I talked to my team about *any* numbers, they already knew it meant the ETLs were on my ass.

That was my first guess. If your TMs respect you, they'll try even harder so you don't get fired.
Take it with a grain of salt, I guess. It could also be a warning to the team members. If you get fired, they hire someone else and their numbers still don't improve, then their jobs will be on the line.
Look, let me answer some questions for you.

1. Would it have been better for your STL to talk to you in his office? Maybe.

2. Is the STL allowed to talk to you on the floor about it if he decides to do so? Absolutely.

3. Will you win if you challenge your STL on this? Absolutely not.

4. Will challenging your STL on this make your problem (bad numbers) go away? Absolutely not.

Let's be honest here, this probably wasn't the first time you and your STL had this conversation. Chances are, the first conversations were off the floor. The fact is, your numbers are still not good. Your STL obviously felt the need to take it up to this level at this point.

STLs don't become STLs by pu**y footing around. Honestly, you should be lucky your STL is being real with you and having these talks. Most STLs would simply call you in the office and next thing you know you are being walked out the door.

It sounds like your STL is seriously trying to warn you about what's coming, and instead of focusing on ways to improve your numbers you are trying to find something to use against your STL. That's the worrying thing. I can tell you right now, unless you have video of your STL pulling a truck up to the store after it is closed and loading high dollar electronics into it, you aren't going to get him in trouble.

In a way, this might actually have been good for you. You say your TMs like you. If that is true, now that they know your job is on the line, maybe they will start working on the numbers for you. (perhaps that was also your STLs hope)

Honestly, the fact you are upset your TMs know about this situation now pretty much says that you probably have not been effectively communicating the severity of this situation to them.... Otherwise they would have already known what was up. When I was a TL, whenever I talked to my team about *any* numbers, they already knew it meant the ETLs were on my ass.

In what way did you interpret me trying to find something to use against anyone? I wasn't challenging my STL, nor was I arguing the fact that our numbers haven't been that great. I am not trying to find a loop hole to shimmy my way out of this mess. I know he is leveling with me about this, as he knew the numbers where rocky when I got hired (as my peers have told me 2 TL's had already been terminated and another, whom I replaced returned and was placed in another work center). I know he wants me to succeed, and I know he has the right to have the conversation at anyplace at anytime.

I'm sorry, my team understands the severity of the issue at hand. I always let them know what's coming when its in the pipeline. They understand that if changes don't happen soon, everyone will most likely be replaced (and that includes myself).
STLs, DTLs and Corp need to realize Electronic TMs do not work commission. Don't push them to get attachment sales if there is no recognition for it. Its the same as Red Cards. Its all up to the guest. TMs cannot twist their arms to buy another item unless the items are needed and sold separately.

If a guest is buying a new digital camera, more than likely they are going to use their old memory card. Unless their new camera is 12Mp and their last camera was 3Mp, and need a bigger card.

A new printer...they will just use an old USB cord they already have in a drawer.

Flat Screen TV...HDMI cable maybe.
I know he is leveling with me about this, as he knew the numbers where rocky when I got hired (as my peers have told me 2 TL's had already been terminated and another, whom I replaced returned and was placed in another work center).

It seems like there have been a lot of changes in leadership in electronics, but have any of the electronics team members changed as well? If you don't have the right people in that department you are not going to be successful no matter how good or bad of a leader you are.
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I've always believed that you don't drub your employees in public.
It's bad for moral and makes you look like a bully.
As a boss you have a choice between setting an example (getting in there and showing folks how to sell some attachments. teaming up and making some plans with goals) or just making threats.
The first works and the second just sucks the life out of everyone involved.
Maybe instead of letting the ETLs coach your TMs, do it yourself? You're going to have to turn stuff around, otherwise it sounds like your STL wants you gone! Morale is going to be low at first, but once numbers turn around it should improve.

If your TMs aren't asking/pushing them like they should, you should be correcting it, and if you can document proof that you're holding your team accountable, it should put you in a better light with store management anyway. Maybe at huddle, talk up attachments to everyone, so everyone backing up can help out too!
Oooh, ouch. I do have to agree with what some of the others have said. I have seen where it was put into an email and "accidentally" sent to all the a way to make their point. It sucks, it's not fair, and it happens.

Don't rely on just electronics. Salesfloor should be helping too. Bikes+bike helmets, accessories, etc. There are opportunities for attachments in other areas of the floor.
Don't rely on just electronics. Salesfloor should be helping too. Bikes+bike helmets, accessories, etc. There are opportunities for attachments in other areas of the floor.

The only items that count towards the accessory attachment rate are those items that are "attached" to items in the Electronics Department (tv's, cameras, GPS, video game systems/games, etc.) S/RP's sold on items in toys and small appliances don't count towards the AAR, just overall sales. The report that generates every Thursday shows which categories are calculated towards the AAR. This weeks report should show new information such as number of "big items" and the number of attachments sold in that category as well as sale's for each category.

We created a grid based on the categories that are tracked with a list of accessories for each category and track daily by category and team member. At the end of the week we score the team and recognize top performers that week. It has become a "friendly" competition and are consistently trying to out sell each other.
I think that should be your first step...see which TMs are getting the attachments and which ones are not. And also figure out where you are getting them and where they are lacking.
The only items that count towards the accessory attachment rate are those items that are "attached" to items in the Electronics Department (tv's, cameras, GPS, video game systems/games, etc.) S/RP's sold on items in toys and small appliances don't count towards the AAR, just overall sales. The report that generates every Thursday shows which categories are calculated towards the AAR. This weeks report should show new information such as number of "big items" and the number of attachments sold in that category as well as sale's for each category.

We created a grid based on the categories that are tracked with a list of accessories for each category and track daily by category and team member. At the end of the week we score the team and recognize top performers that week. It has become a "friendly" competition and are consistently trying to out sell each other.

Interesting. My store is very focused on attachments all over the store, not just in electronics. They talk about it at least twice a week at huddle about making sure we get attachments on things other than electronics. Thanks for the clarification.
We are now having the electronics team keep track of every single attachment (they have to write down the item and what was attached, etc.) and AAR. I wanted to scream GIVE ME A ****ING BREAK! but decided it's not one of the battles I am going to fight.
Also the AAR report that generates every Thursday is "supposed" to be a 4-week average. You can also see how you are doing for the previous week by downloading the new Weekly Huddle form that generates every Thursday also. Make sure you chose the correct weeks huddle form and change the store number to match your store. We kept getting harped because our AAR score wasn't green, but than we found out we could track the individual weeks and 2 or 3 weeks we showed green scores. We've been constantly told we aren't doing our jobs or have the correct people, but according to the weekly score, we were going above and beyond despite the AAR report. Both reports are found under Store Reports.
The only items that count towards the accessory attachment rate are those items that are "attached" to items in the Electronics Department (tv's, cameras, GPS, video game systems/games, etc.) S/RP's sold on items in toys and small appliances don't count towards the AAR, just overall sales. The report that generates every Thursday shows which categories are calculated towards the AAR. This weeks report should show new information such as number of "big items" and the number of attachments sold in that category as well as sale's for each category.

We created a grid based on the categories that are tracked with a list of accessories for each category and track daily by category and team member. At the end of the week we score the team and recognize top performers that week. It has become a "friendly" competition and are consistently trying to out sell each other.

Thats actually NOT true. We just attended a seminar for our district where we where told that ANY item that has a plug, or has batteries qualifies for a replacement plan (vTech Toys, R/C Cars, small appliances, calculators ext...) and they are 100% counted for the electronics AAR score. The item in question may not show up on the AAR report (since they are not in the department) however the SRP's are, and those show up in the report.
Thats actually NOT true. We just attended a seminar for our district where we where told that ANY item that has a plug, or has batteries qualifies for a replacement plan (vTech Toys, R/C Cars, small appliances, calculators ext...) and they are 100% counted for the electronics AAR score. The item in question may not show up on the AAR report (since they are not in the department) however the SRP's are, and those show up in the report.

And anybody who works a cash register can sell a Replacement plan which counts as an attachment.
If the ETL's and GSTL's push the folks up front a bit they will see a nice jump, that's how our store did it.
^True this. When it rolled out at our store last yr, I sold a crap load of RPs for those high dollar TI calculators.
We are now having the electronics team keep track of every single attachment (they have to write down the item and what was attached, etc.) and AAR. I wanted to scream GIVE ME A ****ING BREAK! but decided it's not one of the battles I am going to fight.

um, we do that all the time. how is this an 'increase' from whatever your procedure was before?
we've been given notice that if one sells a 'portable dvd player' and then dvds to the mom/children ...
you can't count the dvds as attachments ... because they came from 'entertainment' whereas the dvd player came from 'electronics'

From what I remember, there are only certain items that can be attached to bigger items.

DVD players - cables, surge protectors <not DVDs>
Cameras - Memory cards, batteries, accessories
TV - cables, mounts, surge protectors
Ipod - Itunes cards, headphones, accessories
Game system - controllers, accessories, games
Cell phones - phone case, pre-paid minute cards

Replacement cards were not attachable at one time...but then they were
a good leader would get rid of an unproductive team. When it comes down to it, I tell the team exactly what a former ETL told me in the past , "It's either going to be me or you.... and it isn't going to be me." This will drive the message home. Might you lose TMs? Sure...
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