Archived Bullseye Shop

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Jul 27, 2016
Anyone actually buy anything off the bullseye shop? I wanted to buy a t shirt but not sure if it gives the right impression since I want to move up in Target.
As long as you're dressed neatly, your clothes really don't matter. Your work ethic and results tell the real story. Plenty of TLs and my ETL-LOG wear t shirts. But if you want to dress to impress, try a tucked in red polo.
T-shirts are perfectly acceptable and sometimes necessary depending on the workcenter.

I personally wouldn't spend my hard-earned money on an overpriced Target shirt, but it certainly won't make you look bad if you do.
I've always thought if you want to be an ETL dress like one.
I've always thought if you want to be an ETL dress like one.
Half of my ETL's wear t-shirts anyway!

When I was still in Hardlines I got two t-shirts and two of the red polo's with the bullseye logo on the front. The polo's, call me crazy, I think really did help give off a sense of professionalism. Guests seemed more likely to listen to me the first time around when I wore it.
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