Archived Buying stuff off the clock

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May 27, 2015
I requested off to buy amiibos Friday, but my STL says even if i'm off the clock i still have to wait 15 minutes before making a purchase, is that true?
If it's true, it's a mighty odd rule. Why???
I requested off to buy amiibos Friday, but my STL says even if i'm off the clock i still have to wait 15 minutes before making a purchase, is that true?
she might be talking about the 2 limit purchase.
1 person can only buy 2 per transaction. There might be a 15 min wait time to buy 2 more per person, so others can buy them.
What happen was a week and half earlier a target employee was fired for integrity issues (holding on to some clearance headphones then buying them after the clocked out). My STL has been on high alert since then. As for buying the amiibos. I dont think there is a time limit between the amiibos, He just wants me to wait 15 minutes to avoid any integrity issue
that's still a stupid rule... but rules are rules and please follow them, you don't want to get yourself fired for not following your leaders rules.
Many stores have rules about letting guests have first or equal opportunity to purchase high demand items.

I had stores that said that all items must be on shelves or available to the general public first. Said items could not be purchased within the first 2 hours of opening. Especially for BlackFriday Door Buster items. For example, there were a couple foolish seasonal TMs that went on break, changed clothes, bought the item, walked outside to stow it in their car, and then after their shift they tried to sell the item in the parking lot. Immediate termination.
Are you off as in the whole day? Or, work from whenever until 8am? If it's the former, buy whenever the store is open. If it's the latter, you can't go stand at the product as the store opens and right when the light come on, grab and buy.

There is a difference.
Many stores have rules about letting guests have first or equal opportunity to purchase high demand items.

I had stores that said that all items must be on shelves or available to the general public first. Said items could not be purchased within the first 2 hours of opening. Especially for BlackFriday Door Buster items. For example, there were a couple foolish seasonal TMs that went on break, changed clothes, bought the item, walked outside to stow it in their car, and then after their shift they tried to sell the item in the parking lot. Immediate termination.

If this person is off the entire day and wit in line, they are to be treated like anyone else.
If you think there is a chance they will be sold out by 8:15 and you think your STL is dead serious about making you wait (see if he is even working at that time), then you could just go get it from another Target.

It sounds like a rule your STL is just making up, so you shouldn't have a problem if he isn't working when you go to buy it or if you go to another store.
The 15 min rule is so TMs do not get an unfair advantage over guests when it comes to buying high demand items.

If you are off you have to wait in line with everyone else. If you are working you have to wait 15mins so that everyone that was in line can get the products first.
If this person is off the entire day and wit in line, they are to be treated like anyone else.
They still have forth telling knowledge of when and where the product would be stocked. Its up to the Execs discretion.
its 15 mins at mine too, i waited 30 when the new 3ds came out to pretend in my head i was a gentleman or something lol, I got the last one :D (maybe karma idk :eek: )

i want the jigglypuff, hes freaking adorable, fingers crossed :eek:
Yeah, it's just 15 minute after being put on the shelf.

So if there's a specific Amiibo that you want that's stocked in the backroom and not on the salesfloor, you can't have it pulled and then buy it either. It has to be pulled, placed on the salesfloor for 15 minutes, then it's open to anybody that's off the clock.

Team Member purchase guidelines are all pretty reasonable
Yeah, it's just 15 minute after being put on the shelf.

So if there's a specific Amiibo that you want that's stocked in the backroom and not on the salesfloor, you can't have it pulled and then buy it either. It has to be pulled, placed on the salesfloor for 15 minutes, then it's open to anybody that's off the clock.

Team Member purchase guidelines are all pretty reasonable

Unless if you're completely scheduled off for the day, in which case no, it's not.
Just got off work. So my STL said that the high demand of the amiibos is the reason behind the 15 minute wait. I am off that morning to those who are wondering.
The 15 min rule on applies if you're working at the time the product hits the shelves. If you're not scheduled the whole day or scheduled in a later date (products on the floor at 8am, you work 9), it's a free for all.

Make sure you're not wearing any target related clothing
What gives the STL the right to dictate what TMs can and can not do off the clock? It's not against Target policy regardless if it's a "high demand item" or not.

I'd probably go to another store as I wouldn't want to make enemies with the STL, but I still don't think its right. So, are TMs also not allowed to line up for Black Friday door busters?
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