Archived Calling off?

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Jun 11, 2015
I just want to know the best way to go about calling off. No one is changing my mind about it, first of all. I asked about 8 people if they could work for me and they all had something going on, it's Monday so it is pretty short notice. Should I fake an illness, just say something came up. Also, would it be wise to do it right when the store opens?
Call the store at least 2 hours before your shift, but don't call the night before because that LOD that night might forget to tell the LOD the next day (don't you just love not having a single manager). The earlier you call the better because then they have more time to figure out who can cover you.
Call the store at least 2 hours before your shift. The conversation will go like this:

"Thanks for calling Target, can I help you find something?"
"Can I please talk to the LOD?"
"Sure, hold on."
"This is [LODs name], how can I help you?"
"Hey it's [your name]. I'm scheduled [your shift] today but I won't be able to make it."
"Ok thanks for calling."

If your shift starts before the store opens, just call around the time the opening TL usually arrives. The LOD probably won't be there yet, so whoever picks up should be the person you need to tell that you are calling off.
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