Archived calling out

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Jun 9, 2017
This is my third week at target. I had diarrhea after eating some bad shrimp for dinner. I was scheduled for 11pm but didn't start to feel the pain until after dinner, around 9pm. I took some meds and waited to see if it would get better or worse, not wanting to call unless it wasn't going to get better. I realized around 9:30 that it wasn't so I called out. I'm part of the remodel team so setting POGs isn't something I could have done while running back and forth to the bathroom. I have a really good relationship with my ETL and I work my butt off, which I really think he can see. Am I in trouble for this? No one went over anything in orientation about calling out. Really, I know nothing about the proper procedure. I'm terrified!
...if you're climbing up the ladder and you hear something splatter, diarrhea...diarrhea.
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It happens. When in doubt give your store as much notice as possible
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