Archived Calls for Back-up

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Jun 18, 2011
When back up is requested at the lanes, who goes in your store? In ours is it only the sales floor that responds, ever. Then our GSTL is always calling, "salesfloor, can I get a back-up?" How about just saying team instead of salesfloor? I also have been tempted lately to shout out on the walkie and say, "If you can hear me right now, then you can hear the requests for back-up...that means ANYBODY can respond."
Our GSTLs used to say sales floor, but now they say team. Our backups are mostly from the floor, but in the morning, the other workcenters help out a little too. If there's an extra Guest Service TM or cart attendant, they'll usually jump on because my store's been lean on sales floor hours lately. If you want a good laugh, tell your GSTL to request backups on channel 3 and see how mad your backroom TMs get.
Salesfloor tm's are first responders. If they are with a guest or on break or otherwise unavailable they call it out and special teams respond. Price accuracy is usually last response since they are usually in the middle of a task that would be difficult to return to the same place.
Ours specifically "salesfloor" too. But cart attendants and GSAs hop on the lanes anyways, if they aren't busy. Honestly, our sales floor is pretty bad at responding to backup - but that is because we don't have enough walkies for everyone on the floor.
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I say "Alright team, I'm going to need one up for backup on check lane X." If that doesn't work the next thing I say is " Come on guys, who's responding?". After that I just call for the LOD. They in turn call for backup and get an immediate response. WTH

If we are backed up past the back lanes and into softlines I ask for anybody in red and khaki thats not with a guest. That usually gets everyone no matter what team they're on to come up. If i say that they know its really bad and sometimes Ill even get an ETL or 2 to jump on.
Our salesfloor is exactly 2 people from 10-3. Both of them are TLS. They are responsible for Operator, Electronics and GSTLs breaks and lunches. They also respond to the pharmacy for backups which is swamped right now due to flu shots. They are also doing interviews for seasonal help. Therefore when the GSTL calls for a backup, chances are the "huge" salesfloor is probably already helping out somewhere else. The only people in my store right now who are sitting on their behinds are the 4 ETLs that are in the building.
Depends on the gstl or GSA. One of the gstl's have some drama with produce so she always calls them up another GSA thinks hardlines and Softlines dont do anything so she calls them up.

We have one smart GSA she has everyone sign up for and hour slot to be first responders and then it's divided evenly. She's getting promoted soon because she's smart.
At our store, "code one" is salesfloor speak for "walk slowly up to the front so they'll cancel the code one before you get there".
how about instead of calling anything, the cashier just hits the button and people respond?

it is my ULTIMATE target pet peeve. button goes off. i'm trying to respond that i've got it. the gstl walks over me to say they need back up. i try again. the etlsl walks over me saying they need a response. then i wait a sec to make sure no one else is talking. and then the etlhl says "its everyone's job to respond" at the exact time. i make it up there, and the gstl cancels backup. then the etlsl says "team, make sure you are CALLING out if you are responding so we know it's taken care of" as she stares at me. GRRRRRRRR.
Our GSTLs used to say sales floor, but now they say team. Our backups are mostly from the floor, but in the morning, the other workcenters help out a little too. If there's an extra Guest Service TM or cart attendant, they'll usually jump on because my store's been lean on sales floor hours lately. If you want a good laugh, tell your GSTL to request backups on channel 3 and see how mad your backroom TMs get.

backroom should be on channel 2.. just saying 😛
how about instead of calling anything, the cashier just hits the button and people respond?

it is my ULTIMATE target pet peeve. button goes off. i'm trying to respond that i've got it. the gstl walks over me to say they need back up. i try again. the etlsl walks over me saying they need a response. then i wait a sec to make sure no one else is talking. and then the etlhl says "its everyone's job to respond" at the exact time. i make it up there, and the gstl cancels backup. then the etlsl says "team, make sure you are CALLING out if you are responding so we know it's taken care of" as she stares at me. GRRRRRRRR.

Omg I hate this too! Thats what it's there for why can't you just respond to it, why do you need me to call as well?
We don't have a sales floor until 6:30PM. Backups are done by the process teams which hardly motivates them to do the job because it puts their own work behind schedule and they are not judged at all for how fast they answer back up but whether they do their job or not.

That is the one amazing thing to me about this company. Only the numbers count, the people do not. We had guests today just walk off from the line because it was moving too slow and the process teams were not responding but they are always being praised for their "numbers." Shouldn't that have some impact on their being?
At my store, it's the sales floor team members that respond first, then if it's bad, the cart attendant (if he is trained on a register, the ones at my store are) and/or the GSA/GSTL will respond then even if it gets worse then that maybe, just MAYBE an ETL or the LOD will hop on.
We had no salesfloor until mid shift...10 am.. Process teams responded. Most of the time...we were given numbers at the huddle and GSTL/GSA would call out the number and you went up to do your turn no questions asked. It seemed fair till tm's figured out how to get out of their walkie, with a guest, on break, etc.....but, with such limited bodies in the building, we had no other options really.
Usually called for as "Team, can I get a backup to X side." (Super Target)

Depending on the GSTL/GSA or whether someone else is covering their break, we sometimes get Salesfloor people called out specifically. IE: "Jessica, Brian, Peter, Jon... Can one of you back up on X Side?"

As for who usually responds, I've seen TLs, Salesfloor, Guest Service, Photo, Cart Attendants, even some ETLs jump on. Heck, I've even seen the STL jump on a few times.
They also respond to the pharmacy for backups which is swamped right now due to flu shots.
People actually respond to the PHARMACY in your store ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :\ :\ :\ :\ :\ :\ :\ :\ Need a new tech???? We're lucky if we actually get a response 1/month...granted we don't call very often, but lately, we've been SWAMPED and have had one of our best techs out sick so we've had our village idiot working her shift. Tuesday night, I think we called for back-up 5 times (both with the walkie AND the button) and only got a response when the pharmacist called the STL over and complained that nobody was coming over or even responding that they couldn't!
At my store, we have 6 folks within range of pharmacy able to do backup. We are certified too. 3 in p-fresh(last resort) & me with 2 cashiers, able to help you anytime, just ask. Your team is important to the store for sales & gs. Seek out hl tl's, gstl's & closing tm's in hba to help you out. It is a team effort, remind your etl-rx & stl daily.
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