Archived Can I still post in here?

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Dec 1, 2015
So my last post was about me being afraid of being let go . I was hired as sales floor seasonal for xmas and had already had 2 show/no calls. I posted here and a lot of people came on here and told me if it were their store I'd be out asap after the season would be over. I asked my HR TL that interviewed/hired me and said I wanted to stay and would that be possible with what happened. She said there were no guarantees, so I filled out some job apps and received call back the next day from H&R Block. Worked a shift at Target and went to a job interview a few hours later. Was hired on the spot. Come to find out they would have kept me on at Target after all. Isn't that something?

Anyway, I had to drop Target with being a "rehire" on files for next time I apply. Can I still post here since I don't work at Target anymore? I like this forum.
I left Target the end of April 2014 (retired!) and I still come here. Have a lot of people I enjoy hearing from and I still read some of the posts.
Retired from Target? :eek: Wow! How long you work for Target? Got any retirement benefits from Target?
Only after a thorough background check, 90 day probationary status, and oath to continue to solicit the Red Card to friends and family.
I no longer work for Target anymore, but I still love coming here, i love the people here, and I don't feel out of place. In fact, there are a lot of people on here who don't work for Target anymore, and they're the people that help make this place what it is. Keep on coming back!
Retired from Target? :eek: Wow! How long you work for Target? Got any retirement benefits from Target?
I probably shouldn't have worded it quite that way. Sorry. I left there for another (better paying) job which sadly did not work out. But I qualified for Social Security Benefits (even taking it early I'm making more than when I worked at Target) so decided to go ahead and do that. I have the option of getting something parttime if I want to but it definitely won't be Target.
Everyone needs a good forum to belong to.
Retired from Target? :eek: Wow! How long you work for Target? Got any retirement benefits from Target?
Hardlinesmaster had a post somewhere but the gist is you have to be at least 55 & have worked for spot for at least 10 years (1000+ hrs ea yr).
For that, you get to keep your TM discount; some old-timers who were vested can draw a pension (no earlier than 59.5) & you get a giftcard based on the number of yrs of service.
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