Archived Can I transfer to a different store as a TM?

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Aug 17, 2013
I would really like to transfer to another store that is a better commute for me. But the main reason is I just really hate my store. I've been there for a few years and I have no intention of becoming a TL, so my question is, can I transfer to a different Target without much of a reason other than I hate the store and want a better commute?

Or would they not allow that?

Yeah, you can transfer for any reason or no reason. But the better the story you can sell to leadership the more likely it is for your ETL-HR and STL to approve the transfer. Have to get the other stores blessing too.
As Sanzano said, you don't want to tell them anything that could quash their approval & you DO need their approval for transfer.
Check the other store out first (it could be worse than your current one), see if they have any openings, play up the commute angle & go from there.
Gotcha. So do I need to apply at the other store first, or like, call up their HR and see where they're at? Or talk to my management first? What would be the best way to go about it?
Gotcha. So do I need to apply at the other store first, or like, call up their HR and see where they're at? Or talk to my management first? What would be the best way to go about it?
Talk to management first and then hit up the other store after you get some names from your etlhr.
Thanks guys, appreciate it! Any tips from anyone who has done it as far as how to have that conversation with my HR/STL? I guess I'm afraid the STL won't let me leave because I've been with the company for a while and have been really reliable to them (which is rare in my store). Does my HR have to actually recommend me to the other store for me to get in? Because the HR lead and I really don't like each other, for no particular reason, we just clash as people... And if I need the HR blessing it may be difficult
My only other concern is my availability is a little tight and I know that's one thing they look for, flexibility.
You can go into eHR to see if the other store(s) have any openings but do NOT apply for them yet. If you do, the other store will see the internal application and the first thing they will do is to call your current store. The ETL HR really doesn't like to be taken by surprise like that. Talk to your ETL HR and take @Sanzano advice. The transfer will have to be approved so your attendance, review score and disciplinary action record will be sent to the other store. They will also want to know what areas you're crossed trained in.
You can go into eHR to see if the other store(s) have any openings but do NOT apply for them yet. If you do, the other store will see the internal application and the first thing they will do is to call your current store. The ETL HR really doesn't like to be taken by surprise like that. Talk to your ETL HR and take @Sanzano advice. The transfer will have to be approved so your attendance, review score and disciplinary action record will be sent to the other store. They will also want to know what areas you're crossed trained in.
thank you, that makes sense. My attendance is near perfect other than like a few callouts from being sick over the years, never a NCNS. I do however have a lot of "a few minutes late, but not past the grace period" days, like starting at 9 and arriving at 9:02. I've gotten good reviews, and never had any coaching. Only bad thing I just realized is I'm in electronics and I'm red in redcards and attachments. :p so hopefully that's not too huge an issue...
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