Archived Can someone tell what these fillgroups are?

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Jan 26, 2013
These are in our system but we don't get items for them


I figured that breD was just the vendor bread but I don't know what the others are.
I though BAKE was bakery. I know what pro 3 and 4 are but what kind of items go in there? Pro 2 is the ambient room and pro 1 is the rest like berries and salad
One of the pro 3 or 4 is for organic cooler and organic ambient room. Make any sense.
Dept number is important too. There was a test fill group done by spot, last year.
From another thread:
I don't know if anyone else has done this, but do the backroom team members at your store memorize department numbers to align them with the fillgroups? it makes breaking down our trucks alot quicker

3 - CHEM
7 - BB01, BBo2, DIPR
8, 80 - elec, belc, scty
9 - SEA1
12 - MM2
22 - WMNS
30 - IFUR, BB02
36 - ?GIRL?
37, 52, 63 - HB02
40 - MENS
47, 69, 82, 88, 91 - SPRT
49 - HB01
51 - SEA1, SEA2
52 - HBO2, COSM
53, 54, 240 - STAT
55 - CNDY, HCDY(class 0 - holloween, class 3 - xmas, class 7 - valentine's day, class 8 easter)
56, 59 - MM1
57, 58 - BATT
60, 62 - BEDS
64 - BATH
65, 70, 74, 200 - HOME
67, 68 - DOM
69 - LUGG
71 - SNCK
74 - LAMP
74, 249 - FURN
77 - SHO2
77, 93, 96, 98 - SHO1
81 - OFCE
82 - BIKE
83 - PETS, PET2
84 - SEA2
85, 92 - HIPA
86 - TOY1
87 - TOY2
94, 245 - PHAR
203 - BEV1, BEV2
204 - TOY3
207 - ELEC, SCTY
212, 231 - GRC1, GRC3
231, 261 - GRC2
234 - BUCK
240 - SEA3
253 - PAPR, CHEM
284, 83 - DARY
286 - CNDY, LIQR

I know I don't know the softlines ones real well. BOYS, JLRY and ACCS I can never remember a single one for. Also I've never paid attention to any differences between PRO1, PRO2, MEAT, MTCL, DELI, MTFZ, BAKE, FRZN. Has anybody else tried to memorize these? And does anybody know which ones I might be missing? I'd like to have a complete list, as online planogram only lists it by department type, not by fillgroup, which can be different.

Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
keynesian, Jul 30, 2014
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