Archived Cart Attendant Problems

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Oh god, I didn't think this thread would get so out of hand so fast. Lol, my store is Low-Volume, and actually just got demoted to ultra low volume, so I almost never feel the need to use the cart pusher. Besides, it has been in the back room "broken" for about a month or so now. We don't even have enough carts in the store or in reserves. During peak hours, there's not even enough carts in the lot to justify using the cart pusher. That being said, if I was at a higher volume store I certainly would use it. But anyway thanks for the responses guys!
At my sstoe, only one guy doesn't use the cart pusher. He's actually the best. He gets it done faster than all the others. He sticks to the number rule.

As far as your knees, you need to get it checked out. I was born with leg problems and no one would know unless I told them. Tylenol has helped but I haven't needed it in years. By working out, and strengthening my legs, it's done a world of wonders. But I highly recommend seeing a bone specialist.
The store was built in 1995 along with BooksAKabillion, TJ Maxx, Pier Hell. The parking lot has a hefty drainage system that leads into the creek behind the store. Not every Target design is on a flat or mild grade.

With the parking lot at an incline leading into the the store, there is no way a pusher can hold onto carts without sturdy straps.
I've never personally seen a cart pusher at a Target store that I can think of. This includes A and AA volume stores. Would I be correct to assume it is a AAA volume store thing?
We are a low volume store and we have one.
I'm an AA store and we have two. In fact, one just got upgraded to a shiny new version, and the cart attendants fight over it.
Mine moves alright, but I'd love to soup it up for pushing on an incline.
That's like saying sunshine is bright.
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