Archived Cash office training!

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Aug 20, 2011
I am going to start getting cross-trained for cash office in a few days. Any advice, tips, or tricks? I will have someone with me on the first three days, but after that I am on my own and a little nervous!
Right now I'm a guest service tm, possibly becoming a GSA in the near future.

Can someone else speak to this btw? I thought I read that anyone working Cash Office HAS to have email access... which basically means only old Cash Office Specialists, HRTMs, and GSAs could work in the C/O? I was just wondering how strict other stores are on this best practice, because mine is not?
Mine isn't, either. Most of the people that work in the Cash Office have email access, because we're GSA's, but there's one that isn't, and she doesn't have an email account. Although, based on that fact of needing email access, I tried to get her one, and they said they'd look into it, but nothing ever happened after that.

And don't worry about Cash Office. Just make sure you take your time when you first start out. You'll get the hang of it rather quickly.
The biggest tip I can give you is if the cash counter isn't counting (giving lots of rFEEd errors--or another error that I can't remember the name of off the top of my head), adjust the feed gap setting (it's a little black wheel on the right hand of the hopper-- see Page 7 of ).
Can someone else speak to this btw? I thought I read that anyone working Cash Office HAS to have email access... which basically means only old Cash Office Specialists, HRTMs, and GSAs could work in the C/O? I was just wondering how strict other stores are on this best practice, because mine is not?

Best practice states that a GSTL/GSA should be the cash office TM. Of course, in the event of a callout/other emergency, another trained TM can work it. Two weeks ago we had a callout, and one of our instocks TMs (former C/O spec) did it for us. This past week, we had our photo TM (former GSA) do it.

My old store had a former C/O spec (currently sales floor TM) still doing it to this day, with the exception of 1-2 days a week when the GSA would do it. In case either of them were unavailable, our HRTM was trained and would fill in as needed.

On this year's assessment, if your primary C/O TM doesn't have email access, you'll get dinged.
Best practice states that a GSTL/GSA should be the cash office TM. Of course, in the event of a callout/other emergency, another trained TM can work it. Two weeks ago we had a callout, and one of our instocks TMs (former C/O spec) did it for us. This past week, we had our photo TM (former GSA) do it.

My old store had a former C/O spec (currently sales floor TM) still doing it to this day, with the exception of 1-2 days a week when the GSA would do it. In case either of them were unavailable, our HRTM was trained and would fill in as needed.

On this year's assessment, if your primary C/O TM doesn't have email access, you'll get dinged.

Our main C/O person has email access... but the person who does it when he is off (every other weekend and one weekday) does not... This person isn't a GSA nor has email, so I was just curious as to what BP says about that? I know GSAs are supposed to do it, so if I could have this other person just keyed as a GSA (therefore giving them email) it would all be fine I'm guessing... Our real GSAs do not ever work cash office since they work mostly watch the lanes...
Like Rock, most of the time, our GSAs are watching the lanes. We all get scheduled on Mondays and Fridays--two GSAs as cashier, 1 as cash office--and then we each have 2-3 days as GSTL, and 2 days off. So usually, our cashier that's trained in Cash Office is actually the one in there the most. But we're only supposed to have 2 GSTLs and 2 GSAs, so we're already 1 over on head count.
239 is the bane of my existence. Coming in for these 7am shifts is exhausting. Between 3 GSTLs, 4 GSAs, and 3 trained backup TMs, I still get stuck with 2-3 shifts a week.

But, the posted guide combined with your in-store training, you'll be fine. Let myself or redeye know if you have any specific questions!
The need for email is because a lot of the auditors are in India. One of the HRTMs and myself (I'm a GSA) are primarily in the CO at my store, but on her weekends off we have a SFTM in there, because I have GSTL shifts. If she runs into any problems that CSA needs to be told about, one of us with email access sends it for her. The other HRTM fills in as needed. I'm the only regular who is actually on the mailing list for CO, so if anything comes in, I just forward it to the others.

My favorite shifts are my CO shifts. I wish I could be in there 5 days a week instead of 2.
Redeye, are you around?

Using another computer after the hard drive crashed, but yeh, I'm here.
Read the guide after your training so you'll understand the terms better. There are lots of former CO specialists hiding in the shadows here (I'm one of 'em) & you can PM us with any specific questions/concerns.
Email access seems to vary store to store depending on whether your GSTLs/GSAs are doing CO or a GSTM w/o email. If you're going to be doing CO regularly, you should ask for email as you'll need to communicate with your auditor on issues ranging from extreme overages/shortages, unresolved adjustments, system failures (manual count- eek!) & the like.
239 is the bane of my existence. Coming in for these 7am shifts is exhausting.

I think there are some early morning logistics tm's who would like to speak with you.
Well, I showed up for my first day of doing cash office solo after three days of training, went to log into the computer only to discover my lovely ETL had not put me into the system. I was so tempted to just turn around and go home, leaving this particular ETL to explain to his boss why the deposit wasn't made that day.

The leadership at my store right now is at an all-time low. Lately we've had a mass exit of ETL's, SrTL's, and GSA/GSTL's, and it's so frustrating trying to deal with the ones who are still there because they just don't seem to care if things get done or not. Proper time for training is never given; you're lucky if there is any training at all most of the time. For example, my training for fitting room operator was this: "Well, the operator called out for this morning. Here's the book on how to work the phone system (as the phone begins ringing off the hook and a line of guests is waiting for fitting rooms). Good luck!" Or even better: "The GSA for tonight called out, we're moving you over from guest service to take the shift. By the way, your cart attendant, your food closer, and your closing cashier (who was the only other guest-service trained person scheduled) have all called out. Oh, and you don't have a supervisor number so you can't do any over-rides or close the lanes. Good luck!"
Sorry, needed to vent.....
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You can add yourself to CP4000. If you look on workbench there is the admin username and password. With that you can add and delete people from this. If that does not work try calling the help desk. It's been a couple of years since I set my account up but these ways work. Message me if you have any questions about cash office or setting up the account. I have been doing it for a few years and should be able to help.
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