Archived Christmas tree

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Jun 11, 2011
Does your breakroom have a Christmas tree up?

My store and the two closest stores to mine have not put up a Christmas tree in the breakroom the last two years.

I asked hr and 2 lods and they've each given me a different lame excuse for why we don't do it anymore. None of their excuses line up or make sense.

So what's the deal? A decision to not do it as to not offend those with other religions? But told not to give that reason when asked?

It's all lame and bs.
We do. They threw away the decorations I brought them that were shipped for a display we didn't have....Asshats.
we have one and there are boxes of gingerbread house kits that they expect us to decorate underneath them.
Does your breakroom have a Christmas tree up?

My store and the two closest stores to mine have not put up a Christmas tree in the breakroom the last two years.

I asked hr and 2 lods and they've each given me a different lame excuse for why we don't do it anymore. None of their excuses line up or make sense.

So what's the deal? A decision to not do it as to not offend those with other religions? But told not to give that reason when asked?

It's all lame and bs.

Ours went up, it is covered in Pull/Backstock/Clearance/PTM/Challenge clips as ornaments, with a price change slip as the Star.
Yep! We have one. I don't think commercial Christmas is very religious. So it's not like they have crosses or images of baby Jesus or any other religious symbols.

I get the impression none of the leaders want to deal with the responsibility of putting up and taking down a tree. Lol.
Well what was their excuse?

Christmas has much to do with Religion these days as Thanksgiving does with being Thankful for something, and I feel most people see a Christmas Tree more as a symbol of the spirit of giving rather than receiving.

Christmas Trees are actually more than likely based on Viking worshipers decorating a tree to scare off the Devil. Which I believe we can all agree at Target, we need to "Req" out way, way


more trees.
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Yup we have several trees up between tsc and breakroom.
Also hanging stars im tsc and also the ginerbreads tobe decorated..
All that we have is a lightup wicker penguin decoration thin that was defected out that is left in TSC. No tree no nothin'.
Our tree last year was some green pipe-cleaner looking thing.
Someone said it looked like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree before it was decorated.
We don't have one this year because nobody has time to deal with setting it up.
Yes, we have a christmas tree up and some other christmas decorations. Halloween we had decorations as well.
All that we have is a lightup wicker penguin decoration thin that was defected out that is left in TSC. No tree no nothin'.
We have one of those decorations from defects as well. It's making the narrow halfway worse.
We have one. Along with about a hundred weird handmade christmads decorations, most of which are toilet paper rolls covered in christmas material with d7fferent things shoved in the top. We have one team member who makes all the weird stuff for the breakroom for every holiday. Some of it is creepy and some just way too weird. Some of the junk looks like it was made by third graders. Just too much crap everywhere.
We have a Christmas tree in the breakroom and one in the TSC. We also have a menorah on one of the counters in the TSC.

Maybe there just isn't time to put one up. Just not high on the list of priorities in our store.

Blasphemy! My HR team loves decorating for Christmas and would always make time for it.
We have a Christmas tree in the breakroom and one in the TSC. We also have a menorah on one of the counters in the TSC.

Blasphemy! My HR team loves decorating for Christmas and would always make time for it.

I thought decorating was what HR was for.
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