Archived "Comping"?

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Hardlines TM
May 29, 2017
hey, I was just wondering what 'comping' means when talking about 'comping a %'? it's talked about frequently in our huddles and just wondering what it means
Basically, it means the percent above or below last year's sales.
So would comping 20% in Sbux be good? Because our ETL's always freak out when the food ETL says our Sbux comp numbers
if I’m looking at sales by month, it doesn’t show Ad-Ad Comping, shall I just use the (B)/P to % metric in lieu of Ad-Ad comp?
I think that might be what it is. Under sales and payroll, it's the percentage next to how much up or down in sales.
I look at the Sales by Merch Dept, and see my depts and their comps. When it’s a daily metric, I see the Ad-ad comp, but if I’m looking at it monthly, I don’t see it but I was taught to look at (B)/P to % metric. However, I was Never given a definition of what it truly meant by my trainer.
+9.5% comp reporting in

This has been the best January I've had at Target as far as hours go, but it's been both a ble$$ing and a curse because we're short handed as fuck (working a shitload of freight basically by myself is still a drag even with 40 hours every week)

Swear to gawd if the new flow TMs they just hired turn out to be another batch of drooling knuckle draggers like we got last holiday season.........
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