Covid 19 401k withdrawals

Aug 29, 2016
Has anyone used the new rules for 401k withdrawals? Is it easy? How fast do you get your money? Do you have to fill out a bunch of paperwork?
Did you spend your stimulus check already? Did you file for unemployment?
Go to for info on the 401k.
I’m not sure what the rules are currently on withdrawing from your 401k, but would a loan suffice? I took one out a year ago and had a lot of easy to use tools and calculators so I could see exactly what my payments would look like. My loan was direct deposited to my checking account in under a week.
I didn’t mention stimulus check or unemployment. If you can’t be helpful then don’t answer
If you are doing a 401k loan, then payment should be paid in about a week. For more info, go to or ask your store hr.

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