Archived Current Transfer...

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May 31, 2012
Hi this has spook me today.. I was transfer from Current store to a New Store in another state I been with Company 5 years from another state. And my new state I start 90 days probation again after 5 years with same company? Confuse I was hardlines tm and came from that store as Trainer TM. Then this new store I am at now as Guest Services and it's 90 days probation from last job? Clear me up how transfer really works?!
Many answers. Did you have hr person help with transfer? Stl blessing? Was there the same job open at the new store? If not, that's where spot will get you.
Oh that's why No they have no same job. I was Hardlines TM old Store, yes HR Help with transfer and contact new store, new HR called me I was aware I was working for Guest Services only job she had not Hardlines, SalesFloor. I guess Guest Services is new Job for new Current Store? And plus the store I'm now at is Low Volume Store 8AM to 10PM - and I came High Volume Store Store hours 8A-11PM/OverNight/PFresh yea I guess Guest Services is new job. :-/ Pray's to my self now if go smooth in August after 90days from June of this month. I should have no worry's My pass Record history Always Shows up zero of NCNS and I alway's pick up extra shifts and I pick up few Guest Services shifts this month under Cashier in new Job.

So Far as Guest Services TM I got 2 good Guest Comments in new Store if comments coming like that I should do fine.
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I'm not sure if they can put you on a "90 probation". Probations aren't based on stores, it's based on your time with the company. If you have made it 5 years with the company then you shouldn't need to worry. I'm going to ask my HRBP tomorrow for you as I have a Face to Face status with her. I'll find out for you. ;-)
I'm not sure if they can put you on a "90 probation". Probations aren't based on stores, it's based on your time with the company. If you have made it 5 years with the company then you shouldn't need to worry. I'm going to ask my HRBP tomorrow for you as I have a Face to Face status with her. I'll find out for you. ;-)
waits for info thanks.
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I'm not sure if they can put you on a "90 probation". Probations aren't based on stores, it's based on your time with the company. If you have made it 5 years with the company then you shouldn't need to worry. I'm going to ask my HRBP tomorrow for you as I have a Face to Face status with her. I'll find out for you. ;-)

Srtl, that does sound weird on a 5 year tm. Did you get your stl blessing?
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I transferred 5 times during my 9 years with the company. Its very simple if done correctly. But it can also be very easily mishandled.

All you have to do is to talk to your ETL-HR, and request a transfer to another store. Everything else is conducted by HR.

If your HR is smart and proactive, they will send an email to the new store of your years of service, work areas, notice of no current corrective actions, availablity, starting date and your STL/area ETL approval for the transfer...The new store will respond back by accepting or denying the transfer and on what areas have openings. After confirming all that info, its just the matter of contacting the new store's HR about setting up your first schedule. At some point, your old store HR will have to release you from their scheduling system so the new store can add you to their system.

If you are being put on probation upon transferring, then that store is being run quite differently and very strict. You are only on probation for your first 90 days with the company.
I will be there Saturday for work I'll ask the HR how strict is the work center it is then should clear up more. Never heart to ask that's why I been there at Target for 5 years just ask HR. Guest Services TM Work Center not never easy job at Target because main Goal is Red Cards, and Keeping Cashier Speed at 90 or higher and make Guest Happier Services. I will find the truth about my New store.
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Yea no probation! follow up from my new HR she says I'm fine since I knew most stuff already.

I guess Front End is roughly I miss my good old days of Hardlines TM so sad dealing with Red Cards and Presser for gstl. So far my Cashier Speed is in green area, "red cards is in low green" 0.92 percent for there red cards yea better I get more. Miss my Hardlines and Zoning. I might transfer again soon in Fall another Store is Closer to me won't pick Guest Services next transfer. She did said take it serious for Redcards I fill bad being in front. x_x I going ask for more help on Monday when I return. Any Tips to Trade being in Front GuestServices do and donot's Advices as Redcards? As for me I being asking #1 Would you'll like to Apply for 5% Credit Card Application for 5% or 2# Did you'll herd about the new Debt Card Option? When you'll write checks you can Signup for Debt Card at no cost for 5% today's shopping. I see what GSTL have any tricks to help me.
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