Archived Developed TM signed by DTL, still no position

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Nov 25, 2015
I'll try and make a long story short.

I've been developing for almost 2 years now, and I was signed off by my DTL 5 months ago, and I passed my STL interviews 7 months ago. There was a period of time between those two where there was no DTL, hence the delay. There was a single caveat, however. He recommended, that I stick around to develop my opportunity for a couple of months. He stressed that in particular, and his exact words were, "I could give you a team right now, or, what I recommend, is you develop your communication for a couple of months." I asked my STL explicitly if I was signed off on and he replied yes, but he had a project in mind that would really help my opportunity. So fine, I agreed and I stuck around and completed the assignment which was a huge help.

However... nothing ever came. I talked with my ETL and he said it was too close to 4th quater and it would be unfair to our team and a hypothetical "my" team if I jumped right into 4th quarter as a new TL. I understood what he was saying. Every time I have come close to getting my deserved position I am told "just a couple more months."

And here's the thing; not only do I perform on a TL level most of the time, I outperform the majority of the current TL's. I don't want to sound cocky here, but I am basically utilized as the third logistics TL. About 2 to 3 times a week I run the backroom, either because they need a day off or because the flow TL needed one and they're running the truck. Every once and a great while it will be me who runs the truck (maybe once a month). My leaders have given me increasing amounts of TL duties as time goes by, and I'm starting to hit a breaking point. I barely perform my TM core roles anymore and am essentially a TL in everything but name and pay.

I know as a TL I would be immensely successful. I have numerous accomplishments over the past couple years, and I know my skills would be valued elsewhere. It seems like I am being taken advantage of as I am essentially working for TM pay while performing TL duties more then 50% of the time. I've tolerated it for this long because I love working logistics and the experience is amazing, but it has been my goal for a very long time to advance in Target and I no longer feel like I'm getting anywhere.

Here's my question: is this common? Are my leaders and Target taking advantage of me? Has the carrot been dangled in front of me for a little bit to long and would you recommend I look elsewhere?
I've never thought of that before, but doesn't that seem a lot like going behind my leaders back? Target is a small place. I had imagined that when my ETL/STL wanted me placed, they would tell my DTL. No doubt any store I'd apply to would want to talk to them.
You can apply to other stores as a TL but you will need your stl and etls blessing. The store you apply to will ask them about you. You should have a talk with your etl hr and stl and let them know you are interested in open TL positions in other stores. You could also say its a financial burden and the pay increase would help you. Usually that will make them more supportive.
The DTL signed off on it, but it is up to an STL to want you. There is also the possibility that they have a TL they are working on performancing out.
It's a little ridiculous because your STL already supported you enough to put you in front of his boss. It's pretty dumb if he's not willing to give a good word to another STL for you.
Don't apply online!

Honestly, just give it a bit of time. We don't typically see new TLs or even ETLs placed during Q4 unless it's a dire need.

If you give it a little bit you'll be ok. Applying for other spots will only stir the pot unnecessarily. I'd also guess they have a spot in mind for you, they just need to get out of Q4 to make the moves to get you there.

I went through this myself. Just stay positive and trust your boss.

PM me if you have any questions or need a sounding board!
They're waiting on AE2016 to roll out so they can see what TL positions are going to be available/being cut. Each store is only allocated a certain amount of TL's. In your store, do you have any open positions? If not, then your store isn't going to promote you any time soon. And if there is something in the district open, they're probably not going to tell you so that they can keep you in your home store.
Why not apply on ehr? It would be proof of any excuses from spot not from hiring you.
9 X out of 10 (in my experience ) most districts don't open all of their TL spots. They may have one or two open on Target Careers to bring in externals, but most of the spots are known only to the DTL, HRBP and STLs.

Also, applying online just tells your leaders you don't trust them, just my opinion though.
basically when you passed the dtl interview, you're approved for a tl position, but not guaranteed one. at least in my district, after you're approved by your dtl, you can take any tl position at any store in the district. it really depends on timing, stores can't just have unlimited team leads. they have a plan for you, just have to wait till it opens up. took 2 months and someone putting in their 2 weeks
Be patient. It's true that during Q4 they don't normally do moves but come feb 1 they do and sometimes lots. It took me a week after being signed off before I was offered a job. But we have a gas that's been signed off since last March and still hasn't been placed. Your time will come
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