Archived Discount card question

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How does Target determine what a domestic partner is? Gay marriage and civil unions are not legal in my state.
This benefit was JUST added only a few DAYS ago (Feb 15th 2012) It was about time too! Target prides itself on having an all inclusive mentality, yet this benefit was only added after they got a bad rating with the ACLU, but better late then never!
Does Target offer the discount card to domestic partners?
Actually, Target is offering this benefit to every state, not just those that recognize DP's (DomesticParnters), CU's(CivilUnions), and Marriage Equality States. If Target really appreciated their employees, they would pay the Imputed Income (which is where the benefit given to the DP is taxed out of the TM's income)
How does Target determine what a domestic partner is? Gay marriage and civil unions are not legal in my state.
How does Target determine what a domestic partner is? Gay marriage and civil unions are not legal in my state.

I would guess that a domestic partner is any live-in romantic partner who is not a spouse, same sex relationship or not. I guess if you're not claiming married on your tax return, then that would be a domestic partner.
I would guess that a domestic partner is any live-in romantic partner who is not a spouse, same sex relationship or not. I guess if you're not claiming married on your tax return, then that would be a domestic partner.

They have fairly specific criteria. You must plan on being in a relationship that you intend to stay in your whole lifetime, must share financial responsibilty...that sort of thing. I don't know if they ask for any type of proof though.
i'm surprised your ETL-HR has not gone over it with you yet, just ask them. there is a list of guidelines
well said.
Actually, Target is offering this benefit to every state, not just those that recognize DP's (DomesticParnters), CU's(CivilUnions), and Marriage Equality States. If Target really appreciated their employees, they would pay the Imputed Income (which is where the benefit given to the DP is taxed out of the TM's income)
I just ordered one for my son today and believe there was a link about domestic partners??? Look on eHr under "Discount Card".
as long as your son is between 16 and 25 and a full time student, he can have one25894]I just ordered one for my son today and believe there was a link about domestic partners??? Look on eHr under "Discount Card".[/QUOTE]
In some states, it's also recognized as "common law" marriage - ie: everyone recognizes you & your S.O. as a couple, you have kids together, etc.
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