Archived Distribution Center Hiring Process

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Oct 5, 2015
HI all. I had an interview at a Target DC and didn't get the job offer on the spot. Does this mean I didn't get the job? I wasn't asked to take a drug test or a physical assessment but told they'd be in touch with me within a week. Does Target usually hire on the spot and if I didn't get hired on the spot does it mean I'm not going to get the job? Do they usually take a week to hire?
Drug test is usually asked for when they've made the job offer; assuming PA is as well.
See if Trow, et al can respond.
Can't say either way. If if they didn't do the drug test or phys. assessment, then usually it's a 'no'. However, I wouldn't totally get your hopes up, cause HR may just be backed up in paperwork in hiring on a slew of new hires for fall season.

I'd wait a lil bit for a response, if not, then contact HR to see if they can give you a definitive yay or nay.
Don't sweat it. That sort of thing is completely normal at my DC. I had a friend literally just get hired last week at my DC and he didn't hear back from them until about a week and a half from his interview day.
If they call back in a week or so, that's when they'll discuss drug testing and physical
I was called the day or so after and they said I had an awesome interview. idk if they offer on the spot or make you sweat a hear back either way at least
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