Archived Do I need to notify a gstl when I have a guest applied for a red card?

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If you wanna keep them off your back, yes, let them know but do it after the guest has left your lane.
Nothing more awkward than leadership squawking all over the walkie after 'Kaveri got a red card' in earshot of the guest.
Oh okay. Wasent sure if they had a system setup to show who has gotten red cards or not.
If they're logged in on their device, it should flag but the old equipment was notorious about logging off w/o warning.
If they're logged in on their device, it should flag but the old equipment was notorious about logging off w/o warning.
I feel like the MyDevices are worse about logging out randomly than the lpda's were. Plus they just plain don't work 50 percent of the time.

Even when I am logged in, I'm lucky if it actually pings when I get an alert. I go in and mess with the volume settings and make sure it's all the way up, but still, for some reason they rarely ever make a sound when I get an alert.

There was hardly ever missing an alert with the LPDA. I don't even remember if it made a noise or not but it certainly vibrated and got my attention that way.

I mean, how else do you get a girl's attention?
At my store, they keep a tally of the Red Cards written out on their copy of the grid of who's working on the front end. If they keep track of it, it would be nice if you told them. Plus, doing so will ingrain a certain image of you in their head. When they get the perception that you do well, they'll leave you alone.

But do you "NEED" to? No, you get credit either way.
Let me add to this. We dont always get an alert after you got a Redcard, even if the app counted. Sometimes the thing will just plain ignore your ass and not give you recognition, so we dont know if you got a Redcard or not because those lovely little Apple devices failed to tell us so. If you go look on the PDA it will tell you our actual number for the day, even when the Mydevice didnt pick up someone's redcard.

But case in point, do tell your GSA/GSTL because even though the app may have gone through and counted, it may not have shown on the MyDevice because those things suck major ass.
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