Archived Easter Price Change

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Easter candy goes 50% off today. There are signs that need to be printed out (according to the e-mail that I received) using a specific Sign Number to create the sign. Other Easter products went 70% off yesterday. Your PATL should have changed those signs and should be creating and setting the Food Signs today.
Awesome! Looks like I will be headed to work after school for some unhealthy candy!
It's different for every market. Corp watches store inventories and make decisions based on how stuff is moving. We are still sitting at 30 on food and 50 on the junk. We must be moving a fair amount of product as a group.
I would scan the product to make sure that the percent hasn't changed. With PLU, I think (for the most part) that they move everything about the same time. I know that it salvages out next Wednesday (4/12). Mini is supposed to reset this week, so I'm sure they want to get the items out as much as possible.
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