Archived Electronics Team Members in Hardlines

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Apr 3, 2016
Just a general question since I know every store is I was never trained in Hardlines, I just went straight to Electronics, and for the newest schedule they gave me 2 Hardlines shifts. Is this normal? Can I expect this to continue happening? I actually had 1 Hardlines shift back in November, although that was because they needed all the help they could get the weekend before Black Friday.

CONTEXT: I was hired September 2015. All of my shifts have been Electronics except for a cashier shift on the Thursday before Black Friday and the weekend before Easter (I gave the Easter one away on the swap shift board), and then the Hardlines shifts I mentioned above.

EDIT: I meant this more as, "Will they be giving me Hardlines shift often" because to be honest, I love Electronics and I'm so accustomed to it I'd rather stay there for all of my shifts like things have been for the past few months. Would I like to cross train in other areas like Presentation? Sure, but that would be on my own volition.
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Electronics hours are low right now. They're probably just trying to help you out and keep giving you hours even though the department is low right now.
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